Imposter illusion

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This is bad.

Right now, it's time for the battle of Kyushu and things are getting out of control. The news casters are saying that they are conspiring with us and that might ruin our credit. "Moon Zero what do we do" Kallen ask us seeing the screen and he and I are quiet. I just said we will think of something, and I left the room I was going to meet Rakshata when I got stop. "Wait Moon" I look and see Ogi out of breath "Hm what is it" "Well I want to say thank you" and he bow to me. "Lift you head and is this about the book" he did lift his head "Yes it just that you took time for me, and I appreciate that". "Ogi listen this job is a hard one so it alright to feel lost that why you ask for help" and I left him to think what I said.

I reach the lab and see Rakshata working on something she turns around to see who and smile "Aw Moon I bet you are here about the Gawain". "I am and also about my own knightmare that's in the works" as I got closer "The way this knightmare will work may take some time but once it's done, you'll be one of the best" as she starts thinking about it. I look at the Gawain and seeing it in real life is amazing "Oh by the way Moon I made a prototype knightmare from the Gawain that you can use if you and Zero need to be separate" "Okay thanks Rakshata".

Ashford academy

Author Pov

Milly, Rivalz, Shirley, and Nina are doing work to get ready for the school festival but Shirley sigh "After all our hard work they might cancel the festival". "That an understatement since we are at war" Rivalz said typing away "You mean war" Nina ask wondering "They are using a guy as a smoke screen this is a war with the Chinese Federation". Milly had interrupted "Nina did you get the booze we are going to borrow from the art museum" "Oh I'm going today and if I have a little bit of time, I want to stop by the science department". Milly made a face "Is it about that present of yours" Rivalz stop typing "Huh what is she talking about Nina".

"Oh, professor Asplund ask if I wanted anything" Nina had blush a little but Rivalz got riled up "You mean Lloyd that two-time player". "Stop it and gets some work done" Milly calling him out "Oh speak for yourself this is work for Four people Suzaku is in the Army, Kallen in the hospital, Hyejin doing her noble duties, and that fool is nowhere to be found".

Euphemia Pov

A figurehead that was all I am right now I'm looking at a painting of my long-passed brother Colvis. I been thinking that if I can do anything I could change things but I'm just a burden. I'm nothing like Cornelia or Schneizel I have no real power. I picked Suzaku because I thought everyone could see that we can have peace together, but he resigns. I felt my tears coming down because I'm a failure I'm nothing like the person I want to be. I just need "Um can I get a phone please" and they hand one to me I started to call hoping she picks up.

"Hello this is" I cut her off "Hyejin it's Euphemia" as more tears fall down. "Euphy you know how dangerous for you to call now" she scold me "I know but I need your help". I think she heard how my voice sounded "Euphy are you crying what happened" she so gentle to me "What do I do Hyejin I want what's best for everyone, but I failed even Suzaku don't want to be my knight". I just need to hear her right now she always tries to be there for me "Oh Euphy I don't know" "Hyejin you got to know". How can she not know mostly everyone praise her "Euphy me and you are different person we have our own strengths and weaknesses there are some things I can't do" "What do you mean" "All I can give you is that if you want change stick to it, we all failed but it's up to you want to do change". "I don't know what to do Hyejin that why I called you" "Hey Euphy I got to go something came up" "Wait Hyejin" but the phone was cut off.


Hyejin Pov

I'm sorry Euphy but you have to finger it out on your own. I'm on the platform with Zero when we tell them to plan "So we are not with Sawasaki" "No his Japan is a sham he's just a puppet". "Yeah, Moon then what you are saying is" "That when Britannia strike back we play dead" Asahina and Urabe said. "I think you should clarify that Zero and Moon" Diethard said and Ogi asked "What's are mid time goal" I looked at Zero for him to say it. "We are making Tokyo an independent nation" and that ruffles some feathers "Our enemy is ⅓ of the world" Chiba comment "How are we going to do that" Tamaki being himself. Zero wasn't hearing none of it "So we will just sit back and wait for someone to take out Britannia tell me who are you saying if we wait the right chance is to come don't be naive that someday will never come", he ends.

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