Island Adventure

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"Hm my head hurts" I opened my eyes and see the sky. I got up to look around and I see Lelouch "Hey I'm here" as I walk to him. "Are you ok Hyejin" as he sounds worry, "I'm fine but looks like we got separated from the others". We are on some rocks looking out to the ocean "At least this is a beautiful site to see" I compliment the place "It is but we need to find drinkable water and shelter" there's Lelouch thinking logical. "That true but what happens if someone finds us, and they are a foe" Lelouch move a little to the end of the rock "Well we can just us your name to get out of here-" and then he stopped talking. "What's wrong" I look at him and he pulls his gun out I went towards him, and it was Euphemia.

"It's you guys right Lelouch and Hyejin" she asks getting it right Lelouch hand was shaking. "Before you shoot me can I see your face please" as she gives her dove eyes, I look at Lelouch and he put down his and his helmet. Euphemia started to cry "Oh Lelouch" she was so happy that he was alive all this time "Hyejin please you too" she asks me. "Fine Euphemia" and I took of mine off as well I look and seeing her clothes are wet, I took my and Lelouch capes to give to her "Take them off you'll get a cold". Lelouch has sat down at the bottom of the rock, and I sit next to him "This is our worst luck" he said as Euphemia came back to us.

"So how did you know it was us two" Lelouch had ask her "It was when the hotel I just had a feeling". "How Nunnally doing Lelouch" she ask thinking about her "She is living with me, but still blind and crippled" Euphemia looks down "I bet you still feels the hatred from what our family did to you". "I'm not worried about that, but do you know anything about how my mother died" Lelouch ask head on "No I don't my sister has thoroughly investigated it" she looked up to her. "How about you Hyejin why are you" I look at her "Well to tell you the truth my real last name is Haneunim" her eyes widen. "What does that make you" "Yes, I'm a princess from the Korean Republic or should say ex-princess" I can feel her eyes on me.

"I'm very sorry Hyejin you had to deal with this burden no wonder you're brave, but can I ask" Lelouch, and I look at each "What's up"." Well, are you guys Zero and Moon or?" she tries to say it, but it was difficult but Lelouch step in "I'm Lelouch the brother you know". I turn to her and smile "Right now I'm Hyejin the friend who takes you out and your guards think I'm kidnapping you" that made Euphemia cry from happiness. We waited for a little for her clothes to dry so we all can go look for food.

We went into the jungle and then Lelouch pick up a stick and start to dig Euphemia ask, "What are you doing" and he responds, "I'm making a trap". "Do you think it will work" I questions him seeing that he's getting tired" "Don't doubt me Hyejin" and he continues. Not very long he stops "Seem it was too much for you" the dude have very low stamina "Lelouch let me help" "No a 'pant' princess 'pant' doing labor work 'pant'" he was just out of breath. Euphemia looks around "Then Hyejin and I will go looks for fruit" and she grab my hand "Be careful you two" we just chuckle at Lelouch and left. We were walking until Euphemia stop and look at me "Um Hyejin was those years real right, not you tricking me". I let out a sigh and grab her hand "Euphy I know I didn't tell you about a few things about me but what I know I like being your friend and I don't use you for anything" she smile "Really you mean that" I flick her forehead "Duh I don't even let people know I know you". "You're a mean person" she said as she holds her forehead and pouts, I smile towards her "Let's get some food". We went on our way as I was thinking how she was doing on the ship.

Black knights base

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