Times for school festival

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Hyejin Pov

It been a long night after the battle of Kyushu and people of Japan have different opinions on the matter. That good for what the next plan for action but there a buzz feeling that something will go wrong. "Hyejin, are you listening" I snap out of my mind and look at the origami I was holding that already finished "Hm you weren't were you". "I'm sorry Nunnally I just have a lot on my mind" I here with Nunnally because Lelouch and Suzaku are staying late for the missing assignments they didn't do. Sayoko was busy and I had free time so I'm just watching her "Hyejin, is it about school or work".

"It not either of those it just a lot of everything" as I remember what to come in the following days. Nunnally had smile "Is it about a boy or girl" I widen my eyes and blush "Nunnally why you say something like that" she just giggles "Hyejin you're just like big brother and Suzaku so oblivious to things". "Oh yeah well am I oblivious to the tickle Monster" as I jumps her tickling her "Hyejin stop" Nunnally laughing, and I hug her "Thanks for worrying about me Nunnally" and she hugs me back. "Well of course you are kind Hyejin" "Whoa kind is not what she is" I turn and see Lelouch, and Suzaku walk in.

"Yeah, Lelouch right" as they sat down with Nunnally and I "Oh quit pouting Suzaku it's not my fault you're not responsible". I went back doing origami as Lelouch made a face "How is that possible you're gone as much as we" "I know how to multitask" I smile done with the origami. "Actually, Nunnally how many more is it to get a wish" she starts to think about "I know Sayoko have the right number but many around 50" "That not bad" Suzaku comments. We all talk together having a good time ending the night with a good note.

Next day

"Is everyone here tomorrow is the school festival" Milly had shout out to all of us in excitement. "Thanks God they didn't cancel" Rivalz said as Shirley and Nina were doing a cheer. "Right, there are a few more things to be done but before that" Milly then turn to Suzaku Lelouch and me "You must explain yourself". 'Oh no' I was thinking "Wait before you start Milly, I did most of my part so you can't get mad at me" I tell her "Damn you're right safe for now". I did a cheer as I dodge a bullet there but not much luck for the other two, "I have military affairs" Suzaku disclaim "I have something important" Lelouch said.

"Fine if you guys had so much important things, tomorrow you two we be doing most of the events" Milly making her final decision. "Then Hyejin should as well right" Shirley calling me out "I thought we were friends Shirley" making a fake crying face and Milly step in "She is but it's a secret right Hyejin". She turns to me with a smirk as I remember what I'm going to do and I facepalm myself "No Milly I'm really going to I thought you were joking" "I wasn't and can't wait to see what you do". Why did I say I will sing I can be in front a crowd like that, and I don't think the song is that good. As I was going down a spiral Shirley had got up to me and hugs me "Oh calm down Hyejin whatever you are doing going to be great" I look back at her "Do you think so". "We know so" that we everyone jumps in as they cheering for me, I smiles "OK lets us see then" and I chuckled.

School festival time

I lie to myself this the worst to happen to me. "Please Hyejin wears it you will amazing on stage with it". I'm looking at the outfit they want me to wear and I'm reconsidering everything I'm don't get me wrong I like it, but I'm embarrassed to wear it. "I don't think so" I said quietly "Hyejin this performance got to be Supreme" that's when everyone in the club started to monologue about how I will do with the outfit. As they were talking, I slipped out of the room as I speed walking a group of people had all of sudden jumps me "Hyejin is it true of what we win" "Hyejin you really going to do that" "Hyejin I will win for you".

"Hey, wait everyone what's going on" trying to get away from them "It the polls Milly had posted" a girl had shown me, and I felt dread. It was who's your favorite student council member and it had all of us even Arthur as I was seeing it me and Lelouch are neck to neck in a landslide. "What when did this happen", I ask "It had started today and there's a special prize for a winner" as I look back it had said a lucky person will get a kiss from the winning council member I'm screwed. I just booked it as they chase me since I was fast, I made a gap but that's why I bump into someone "Oh shit I'm sorry" and I see it's Kallen.

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