I Will

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Hyejin Pov

I was walking down the corridor trying to find Lelouch but instead bump into someone and it's not Lelouch. "Oh, look who it is I miss you" that said person had started to hug me, it the one and only Kaguya Sumeragi. "Hello to you Kaguya why are you not with the others" I ask patting her head and hugging back "That easy because I want to be with my husband" she admitted pulling back. "Kaguya, you know that's not realistic; you don't even know his age" I tell her feeling like every fangirl or fanboy went through this phase "Oh it doesn't matter I just wait until I'm of age" and she went into her own world fantasizing about Lelouch or Zero.

If Lelouch even thinks about it I make sure he turns into a she, we walk down together with Kaguya still talking about Lord Zero this or that and I wish I could get out of it. When we got to our destination the door open and Lelouch appeared surprise seeing us with C.C behind him and Diethard stand from the middle of the room. Lelouch was about to speak but Kaguya beats him to the punch "That's so mean of you the way you went to battle without me I was hoping I get the chance to talk to you" she started "Lady Kaguya I thought the six houses stay in Fuji" Diethard wonder. "I follow because I want to see my future husband fight" that gets C.C. and Diethard a look of confuse "I don't like this joke" Lelouch tries to stop it "Don't you need a wife and plus I pretty sure Moon wouldn't mind" she said and till their heads toward me.

I shake my head "Don't drag me into this I'm just want to tell you I'm not going into the Gawain with you" I brief to them "I be lucky to have you Kaguya, but I made a deal with the devil, so I don't have time for deity, Moon come with me". He walks away first and I went with him right next to C.C. when were far enough he spoke "I trust your judgement, but May I ask why?" "I have two reason one, it's better for us to not be together just in case if the Gawain goes down and two, I want to make sure all the black knights knows that I'm not you shadow after what happen a few hours ago" I explain as we get to the Knightmare room. It looks like everyone already went to their places because no one is there, they look and see the Knightmare next to the Gawain "Mine is the Yvain but sooner or later I get the one I ask for and there's a communicator so I can give orders as well" I told them. 

"Well, it seems Hyejin made her mind just don't get yourself kill you need to fulfil your contract with me" C.C smirks and went into the Gawain but I felt a little anxious from her for me. "That girl doesn't know how to read the room" Lelouch said coming closer to me I just laugh "That's just C.C. she seems uncaring but reality she cares the most once she gets to know someone" I replied. I was about to move to the Yvain, but Lelouch have other plans by back hugging me "Lelouch" "Just come back to me alive promise me that" he whispers just for the two of us. "Wow you're making it seem like we're a couple, but" I put my hands on his "I will do my best to come back" he let go and we went to our own Knightmares. 

I decided to stay on the ground so we could have more support because Lelouch and C.C can take on the shy by themselves "Is everyone in their positions" I connected with everyone around me. "Moon you're fighting with us" Kallen in her Guren ask stun that I'm here "I am Zero got any aircraft and I stay on the ground for more coverage" I answer her. "Hell, yeah and we get to see you fight in that new Knightmare" Tamaki shouts in excitement and the others starts to as well "Stop you guys or you'll make me blush", but they kept fulling my ego. The Gawain flew over us and Lelouch announced that at midnight we will attack, he and I have the same screen as more enemy forces are coming to the frontlines, I just watch the clock goes down. 

My hearts begin to pound but it's not from fear, no its exhilaration I Will fight, and the clock hit 12:00

The whole Tokyo Settlement starts to collapse everything was getting destroy and I for some reason it was interesting to watch things fall apart. "Report!" I ask and Chiba answers "Our allies' groups are striking hard on all side, the rest are in other area" she reports. "Good Everyone Attack! and Tohdoh you take command of the frontlines" I commanded "Roger Moon" Tohdoh responded and went on with his group, I stay back to make sure no enemy are behind us as Lelouch made commands to everyone. "Moon come to the school with Kallen we need to secure it" he uttered to me "Ok meet you there" I reply and Kallen meets up with me to the school "Moon upcoming enemies!" she tells me as they charge to us.

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