The beginning of the story

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As Rivalz, Lelouch, and I goes to our next match I was eating the donuts I made. "I hope you are ready to see me beat my record Hyejin"

As the day is here where the story starts me and Lelouch got closer actually. It's weird right. We bond over the chess matches we play together so far, its 50/50.

As we got to the building where the match is held, we heard the faint of the news that was on. We walked in and ventured to the room of a fat noble and old man playing chess.

"Oh, what do we have here two high school boys and a girl really now" the fat pig speaks

"Nice to meet noblemen" Lelouch smile devilishly. Rivalz look at the at the board and said "it's impossible you can't beat this" panicky "how much time do we have until our next class"

"We have 20 minutes Lelouch is that enough time" I answer. "That's more than enough" as his sat down and play the rest with the King

We are heading back to the academy after Lelouch win. "I love winning to nobility and they pay for their pride" Rivalz looks very happy. "They are pampered parasite" Lelouch said "you should challenge the Eleven's nothing like Britannian"s" Rivalz still happy. As we drive Prince Clovis came on a starts his speech, I look so annoyed to hear him. Like he didn't kill all those people to not get in trouble.  

When he said peace of silence Rivalz ask "are you guys' join are you" Lelouch ask back "are you" looking at him "no it too embarrassing" and "also, you're driving" I chime in. "Yeah, you got a point Hyejin also Lelouch why the king". Lelouch replied to "a king cannot lead without subordinate's" "Wow Lelouch into political stuff or is it after I beat you", "we are tie Hyejin don't get cocky" Rivalz and I laugh. 

As we talk, we heard a big honking behind us and Rivalz swerved out the way but the truck turn and crash. "Was that our fault" Rivalz looked up. We went closer to see what happen and Lelouch was already running to the trunk "Lelouch" "come back Lelouch" as me and Rivalz yell out for him but like the story goes he got trap. 

"All great now we going to be late" this was my chance I turn to Rivalz "you should starts heading back I'll go look for Lelouch" "are you should Hyejin" "he can't be far no worry I'm fast you know I'll come find you if I can't find him" "ok just be careful" then Rivalz push his back to school.

I ran to the ghetto to get in one of the knightmares. Good thing when I was staying in the Amos house, I was able to practice getting the basic down. I stop and see one that is alone I walk up to it, and "Help I'm don't know where I'm at" the person in the knightmare turn it around "you there why are you a dangerous area" as a guy comes out. I smirk and look him in the eyes and use my geass "you will see nightmares". As I got him under control, he lost his mind "what's happen to me no no Nooo". "What is the password for the Knightmare" he looks at me "it TK68W93ET" as he gives me the key. 

I look at him one more time "now after your nightmare you won't remember anything" I left him in agony. I got in and a get in position and gets my voice changing device ready so. I pick up the radio to hear the plan of Lelouch after he cuts off, I waited then talk to him

Lelouch Pov

I cut off the radio telling them to get ready. After I relax a bit, a voice comes from the radio. "Your plan not going to work". I look at the radio and pick it up fast "who is this and how you know". I was so close to tell everyone the plan is ruin but "relax your plan works but I help at the end" "again who are you" I waited and then "I'm your future partner".

Just like that I was shocked should I do another plan or let it go. After a while think for what I should it was going close to the time I said we start I just stick to the plan I had. I pick up the radio to talk to everyone "D1 move to the place I tell"

"Can you tell who you are A name" 

"Two Southerland's are coming shoot through the wall in 23 seconds" I speak to them as they all get ready. I sat back and watch all of it unfold going how I thought. I was wonder about the person the phone then I see people are getting taken out

"What's going on" Q1 said "there a knightmare wiping all of us out-" then it cut off. I look in front of me and see a white knightmare coming towards me the person in the Glasco try to save me but eject and I ran away but it caught up, I thought it was over but out of nowhere another Southerland attack and I heard from the radio telling me to run as I look back, I see it going head-to-head wonder who is that

Hyejin Pov

Suzaka is amazing as I try to keep up enough to get to where the women and her child falling, then when he was not looking, I escape. I put the knightmare somewhere in the battlefield and ran to find Rivalz. 

As I got closer to the school, I see him still push he bike I gave him a hand. "I'm sorry I made you worry Rivalz" "Hyejin you're back where Lelouch" "I try to find him, but he was nowhere let hope he comes back on his own" "yeah maybe you're right" he said as we almost to school with the help with my strength. Everything can begin now. 

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