I'm glad to meet you again

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A few days had pass since the battle of Narita and everyone have different opinions on the matter. Thanks to what happened the Black knights have more followers from Japan. This means we are getting closer to what we are fighting for. For now, we need to stay on the down low because now we are taking seriously.

"Miss stop moving" as I feel the tape measure got tighter on purpose. Right now, I'm getting measured for an upcoming party that I have to attend, why you may ask, I don't know. "Aye Ezra can you calm down the pull, my organs getting squished" I said to loosen it so I can breathe. "Sorry Miss" she said as she does my other measurements "Ms. Ruth do I really need to go" "Yes if you don't people, we look down on you" as she looks through the different patterns for me to wear.

"And plus, at this party some of the royal family will be there and I know you want to see one again" I could feel the smirk from all the way here. "Fine I'll go but is you or Mr. Leo coming with me" I ask her "It's going to be me I want to see if anyone I know is there" Ms. Ruth answered.

"Oh, before I forget did Oliver come back yet" as I was getting dressed to go to school. "Not yet but what did you ask him to do" Wendy ask curiously. "You will know in the future okay and when I get back, I might make a meal for everyone" as I was leaving, I could hear they all jumped out in excitement.

Shirley Pov

I'm in the club room right now with Milly and Nina and I'm just sulky. Lelouch, Kallen, and Hyejin is not here, and I can't help but feel this way. I have ticket from my father and I thinking to bring Lelouch or Hyejin but maybe they are dating or with Kallen.

As I was in my head, I hear Milly saying something to me. "Earth to Shirley are you listening to me" she said to me, I look up to her "Sorry Milly what was it". Milly had a face "Shirley you got to calm down even Suzaku is gone since Narita" as she tries to reassure me. "This is why I love you Shirley" "What do you mean Milly" she just smiles to me.

"Just confess already to whoever you like" Milly answer. I blush "What are you talking about" I ask "Oh don't give me that you like Lelouch and maybe a little Hyejin". I look down in shame as I think I know I like Lelouch but for some reason Hyejin is in my heart as well.

"Shirley, you got to know what your heart wants that's my advice" Milly said then the door to the room opened. And then Lelouch came in "Lelouch you're here" I said to him "Yes Nunnally is down with a fever and I'm taking care of her" as he went to Milly to get papers. "I hope Nuna is alright" "She fine Shirley just take a day or two" and then he left.

As he left, I signed, I went back to work but then I don't see my tickets then I ran after him. "Lelouch wait" I called out to him, and he stopped "What is it Shirley". As I stop to him, I was catching my breath "My tickets" he looks and see them and hand them back. He was about to leave but I thought now or never "Um Lelouch do you want to go with me" I ask him hoping he said yes.

"Huh me? are sure, you could ask Milly or Hyejin" he questioned "I know but it will be good for you to go out so here and I'll see you there" as I hand him a ticket and left. Once I'm far away I was doing a victory dance 'I did it I ask Lelouch'. I guess I like Lelouch more.

Hyejin Pov

I got to school so I can help out a little, and to make sure nothing is wrong. As I got to the club room it was just Milly and Nina. "Hey, is it just you two" as I walk in Milly see me "Hyejinnn" then she jumps on me. "How dare you be late I could have been drowning in work" as she hugs me being herself. I sat down to see what she was talking about as Shirley came back in.

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