Got to help Lelouch

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It been a few days since the cat chase and Suzaku becoming a council member. Things are going well as Suzaku comes to Lelouch and I to hang out not just us to him. 

Right now, I'm at home working on making deal and contacts. I have so many things to keep people to side with me even if they don't see my face. I have enough data that I can ruin a person so bad that they are better off dead.

As I was sorting through an important letter the I couldn't wait for is final here. First, I had to decipher it because it's a secret message. It was not easy to get in contact because she is guarded by so many people. And that trash uncle is always on her because the letter was from my cousin. Her name is Hana she is so sweet when we were together before I left, she was almost like Nunnally in a way. She hopes for a future for good and happiness like in a fairy tale.

Sadly, that went down when her dad took over. I can hear it from the media and the information on the dark web that she is miserable. She is a pawn in her dad's eyes and that won't change she even got engaged. I want to do what I can to help her and to fix the wrong doings. In the letter she was glad that I'm still alive because she knows her father would try to kill me. She said that there are people that believe that I'm alive and will come to take the throne back which they are not wrong I just need time. Some of people under uncle control are part of this group as well because they are sick of him and what happen to grandfather. 

I made sure that she had an account that no one knows of, so we be in touch. With that I can send resource to the resistance group and some tips so when the time comes, they are prepared to defeat the noble who side with my uncle. The last part of the letter is that she did what I said to communicate with the common folk to know what they want because they are the people we are supposed to protect. That was all I needed to know I am going in the right direction and to make it easier in the future.  

At school

Right now, I'm with Shirley and Kallen as we are making a cat house for Arthur. We were working on as Kallen holds onto Arthur until Shirley speaks up. "Can I ask you something Kallen" Shirley ask her I can see in the corner of my eye Kallen pull out her switchblade and Arthur try to get out of her arms. I wonder why she be on the defense from Shirley of all people she wouldn't hurt a fly mins Villetta. Shirley asks, "Are you dating Lelouch?" Kallen look surprise and put away the blade. "What I'm not" as she let go of Arthur and she comes to me Shirley turns around to look at her "don't give me that you been with him a lot".

As I pat Arthur to see them about to go at it with each other Shirley asks me "What about you Hyejin" I look at her "about what Shirley" "do you like Lelouch" she said looking like it may break her. I do like Lelouch, but I don't think that will happen but let's not tell her that "I don't like Lelouch like that Shirley he's friend". Shirley don't look convince but she also has this look she is having an inner battle. We all hear a ding and that came from my phone I look at it and Lelouch ask me to come to his room.

I got up "I would like to stay you guys, but I need to head back I'm needed for something" and left before they can say anything and make sure they don't know where I'm going. As I got there, I see Lelouch with a gun to his head as C.C. have one on him. I close the door so fast "What is wrong with you two" I said as I got closer "put the guns down now". They both look surprise I got here so fast but "Hyejin you would agree with me right" Lelouch ask me. "Agree with what" C.C. buts in "he is going after Cornelia" I knew he wants to do that but it not a good idea. At this time, they both put their guns down I sat on the bed I spoke honesty "Lelouch I don't think you should go".

Lelouch is shocked that I'm not with him "Why Hyejin she is here, and this is the perfect time to get her" as he got angrily. "Lelouch that's exactly it she trying to lure you out" I argue back at him "She way different then Clovis as she took area 18". "Are you saying we are not ready even if we don't get this chance again" Lelouch had got all the things he needed. "Lelouch you are not listening" as I try to tell him but he's out of the room already. "Why is he always like this" as I lay down on the bed C.C. sat down next to me, "He just a stubborn boy but we got to help him". "Yeah, you're right he's going to lose this battle do you have his Zero suit" I ask her. She knows where it is, and we got ready to go help him.

Suzaku Pov

I was back at school after I was done with work and as I was going to the club room, I see Kallen rush out. She sees me but ignores me "It's not like that Shirley we are just classmate and that's it" and she run away. I walk in and see Shirley holding Arthur and she looks upset "Oh Shirley do you know where Lelouch and Hyejin are-" she cuts me off "I don't and don't give a damn" as she looks more stress.

"Everything ok Shirley", I ask her "It's just I don't know" she tries to tell me. "I like Lelouch and got mad that Kallen was with him like they were dating, and I just blew up on her". Shirley kept talking "even if Lelouch seem so hopeless I just can help fall in love with him". "I see you just want to be in Kallen shoes as she closes to Lelouch" Shirley looks upset and said, "I ask Hyejin when she was here did, she like Lelouch". My heart started to beat fast "What did she said," I ask, "she don't like Lelouch like that only a friend" and I breath out. 

I ask Shirley "is the way she answer bother you", but she turns her head like she ashamed about something. "I don't know if she said yes, I would be more upset about it, but I don't think I be mad that she like Lelouch". I look at Shirley confuse "what do mean Shirley" "Like I be more upset that she like somebody" as she blushes. Did Shirley just say she technically like Hyejin as well. How many other people did Hyejin got to like her. I got to change it back to Lelouch "I can call Lelouch and sees how he feels" as I got my phone, but Shirley didn't like that. "No don't do that" as she comes towards me to hang up my phone as we tussle a little, I fell on her. I pick myself up so fast and said sorry and run away. 

A little bit later

Hyejin Pov

It had taken us a while, but C.C. and I are in the sewers of the ghetto. She is wearing the Zero suit while I was just in one of Lelouch casual clothes because we didn't have time to go to my house to get my Moon suit. I'm on a laptop that is surveilling the whole battlefield and I can see it when as the show. I turn to C.C. "it's time for you to help Lelouch" she nodded to me and put the helmet on and left. 

I see that the knightmare are in the line and Cornelia are telling them to come out. I just sit back and see C.C. come out to make everyone turn their heads to her as if she is Zero. When they are on her I found which one Lelouch is in and send him coordinates to where to get out of there. C.C. already left and meet me in the sewers as we wait for Lelouch.

We heard footsteps coming our way and we see Lelouch coming out of the darkness. "Why are you guys here" as C.C. take the helmet of, "I told you already can't have you dying". "If the grounds were equal, I would have won" Lelouch said angrily I roll my eyes "Lelouch this is what I was talking about she had a plan, and we couldn't counter". "I would let it happen again I will beat Britannia" he said with all seriousness I turn my head to C.C. "can you go ahead I need to talk to Lelouch". She gives me a blank stare, but she did it anyway.

I turn around and walk up to Lelouch "look I know you want to beat Britannia, but we need to make sure we have the upper hand". "I know that Hyejin it was just one time-" I cut him off "Lelouch in the future there are going to be battle we are going to lose" I said to him. I hold his hands in my and we hold eye contact "this whole thing won't be easy, so I want to let you know I'll be the queen to your king so please rely on me". He looks at and then close his eyes to think but not for too long "Hyejin you know that once you said that you can't take it back", "I won't back down Lelouch". He smiles at me "Well then I guess you'll be my queen piece" and then he hugs me. "Whoa uh Lelouch are you alright" "Yeah can I just hold for little bit" as he still hugs me. When he was done, we started to walk back as he tells me about our next plan to form our group. 

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