He so cute little

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I was woken up by a bodyguard saying we were almost there. I look out the window to see the scenery it was like a painting. I started to think in my head hoping this goes well.


??? Pov

I was walking down the hall to go to my father office. He said there is an important meeting that I got to be there for. "I wonder what father will ask of me"

When I got there I was met with master Tohdoh, master Taizō, and Kaguya. There was also some of the other heads here. Kaguya turned to see me and run up "Suzaku you're here too" "yes father had ask for me"

I turned and greet tohdoh and taizō. "Nice to see you are doing well suzaku" "thank you tohdoh". Kaguya and I sat down to wait for my father so we can here the meeting.

When my father came in and sat and the meeting began. "What brought us here Mr. Kururugi" "this meeting is actually what taizō want say".

With that taizō got up to the front of the room to talk. "I know this meeting might not be expected but it's important"

"As I know you all heard of what that idiot from the K.R. had done" all the heads and even myself grumbled thinking what he did. The new face of the K.R. try to buy some of Japan but these lands have some cultural places that are not to give up. He even disrespect some of the heads from his visit.

"Yes I know how we all feel but I need you all to understand what will be happening. We all look at before he continues "my friend the former head of the K.R. knows that his son will bring hardship but he wants my help" "He want your help with what" one of the heads say. "Yeah he should do it himself" another said

"Queit" taizō yell out silencing the room "what is happening is final he had send his granddaughter to stay with to make sure she don't die". After that whole got heated "what do you mean his granddaughter is coming here" "his son is a mess what do you think she not one as well". As kaguya and I sat closer as everyone talk about tohdoh speaks "we don't know her yet".

Everyone look at him "we should see when she gets how she acts not from her uncle". "But she can be a brat tohdoh" "we should respect taizō friend because in a way you are disrespect taizō himself" "thank you tohdoh"

"Like what tohdoh my friend made sure to tell me that she is a good child and I hope you all like her" as he finish all the heads talk to each other think is this a good idea

My father had stand up a said "that was all for this meeting and I hope you go back to prepare for her arrival suzaku you stay behind". As everyone starts pouring out of the room leaving my father, and I.

Do you need something father I ask him "yes suzaku you are to show her around when she get here". After he said that I look at him like he had two heads "why father after all her uncle did she probably be a brat" "Suzaku" my father yell "you are to respect her because if all goes well Japan and K.R. will have a alliance"

I can believe father yell at me for a girl who he didn't even know. I bit my tongue and said "fine I'll show her around" "good now go back and study".

I walk out room to go practice my sword play. I'm going to make sure she hate it here if it not the last thing I do.

Next day

Tomorrow has come and my father, taizō, kaguya, and I stand at the place where the plane is coming. "I can't believe we are meeting her suzaku" "don't be happy kaguya" "suzaku" I look away from my father

As we wait we see a plane that is coming. Right when it land a person in a wealthy suit comes out to talk to us I sure they said a girl is coming. "Welcome and you are" my father said "I'm just here to drop off the annoyance" as he finish I squint at him. Is she that bad that he don't like her.

When I look back at the plane the most beautiful girl had step out. Her dark black hair and her eyes that look like the moon. As she got closer she introduced herself "hello my name is Hyejin Haneunim thank you for taking care of me"

Her smile is so bright that I almost forgot she the enemy. I deadpan my face a greet her "my name is suzaku kururugi" she look at me smile bright "nice to meet you suzaku"

Few days later

Hyejin Pov

I think suzaku hates me.

After I got to Japan and he show me around he been acting like a brat. Like I'll try to be nice and be his friend but he pushed me away. Like what his deal.

I'm walk around and find myself in the dojo area for sword play. I see all the different kendo sword and admired them. "You what are you doing here" I hear someone yell

I turned around and it was suzaku and tohdoh when other people for practice. "I was walking around and saw the dojo" "A girl like here begone"

Tohdoh speaks up for me "suzaku you are to respect people". Suzaku look at him "master I know but she don't belong here".

Right when he said that I felt a vain popping. Oh no I'm going to beat him down a peg. OK since you're all high and might suzaku I challenge you to a dual".

Suzaku look at me "you a dual you probably didn't do handwork before" he started laughing and the other as well Tohdoh shook his head from the kids. "What are you scared that you will be beat by a girl suzaku".

After that he looked mad "ok fine" he pushed a sword to me as we get to middle to start "I'm going to make you eat your word" Tohdoh looked nervous but started the battle

It had ended really quickly though

"What how did suzaku lose to her". As I stand triumphant with the point of the sword at suzaku neck looking down at him. "Look at here I won" suzaku look shocked seeing me win he looked at the other seeing their faces he had little tears come out

He got up and run away I look as he ran and think I want to far.

Few hours later

I'm relaxing in the room they gave me when I heard a commotion. I leave the room to see people running around. "What's happening" I ask a maid she looks at me and said "the young master is not here" a left

I look surprise suzaku didn't ran away because I beat him right. I turn around and grab my umbrella and run to find him. It was pouring rain out and I'm think he's cold.

Suzaku Pov

I can't believe this is happening right now. First she comes here and now she beat me in swords am I a failure. And right after that I ran to the forest and can't find my way out it happens to rain as well just my luck.

I started think that no one will find me and Hyejin take my place. I hope they be happy then as I close my eyes

After a minute or so I felt no more rain on me. I open my eyes to look up and see Hyejin hold a umbrella over me she was going wet.

"There you are everyone is worry" I snapped at her "no one is worry about me it all about you" as I keep going yelling her for taking my life she looks at me.

After I was done she slap me "who do you think you are-" then she hugs me. "I'm worry about you suzaku and I don't want your life" she said

She look me in the eyes "I want to be friends with you so you don't get hurt I don't have many my age and I think you're great" "why you want to friends with me but no wants me" "that not true people are running around to find you"

Is that true they looking for me. My mind went blank as my eyes started to water. I hug Hyejin crying my eyes out that I was such a bad person

After I was done Hyejin stand up and held out her hand for me "come on suzaku let go back". I grab it and pull close to her under the umbrella as we walk back

She is not so bad I think in my head blushing

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