Suzaku love

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How did this happen?

"Ah! Suzaku" I tried a small fight for dominance, but the brunet quickly took over. He hungrily devoured any sounds that came out as his fingers curled in my hair pushing me more into the kiss. I feel my body burning up to keep up with him, 'Where did he learn this?' He tugged me back and I gasped for air breathing deeply looking into his darkened green eyes.

That didn't stop him as he picked me up and put me on the bed and started latching his teeth to my skin. I cried out never having felt this way before as he bit, lick, kiss, or do whatever to my neck as he moved down to my collarbone and jaw. Suzaku continued painting my skin as his hand somehow skillfully undid my shirt letting the cold breeze in "Ah.. wait ahh". I couldn't think clearly as his lips went down around my chest area; he was kissing through my bra like it wasn't there. I grab his arm to sustain myself but at the same time my bra collapses for all to see.

He pulls back "Beautiful" he whispers looking down at me and I then turn to hide but he stops me "No don't hide yourself" he whispers close to my ear. I just melt against him as he kisses my neck again. I got on my back, and he took the chance to nibble one of my nipples "Su..zaku" I moaned out. As he sucked, he had twisted my other nipple, but his free hand had moved down to my skirt slipping them off and rub against my underwear.

I was quivering as he continued just making me feel good in all the right places. His fingers suddenly went inside my panties with more contact and the one finger slipped in. "Hah..ah" he was just pushing it in and out slowly trying it out I balled my hands on the sheets "I'm going put another" the brunet panted in my ear sliding a second finger. He was shoving them in knuckles deep, I felt I couldn't breathe "You're so needy I feel you clench just from my fingers" deepen his voice as he still marks me. "No, I'm not- Aaah" I cry out as he touches a bundle of nerves.

He smirks against me and whispers, "I found it" and he starts attacking that spot more. I bit my lips to cover the sounds from coming out "Nuh uh Hyejin" and I felt pressure as he scissored me. I couldn't fight back and lay in a mess moaning out as he stretched me out "Do you like that Hyejin" he spoke to me but I'm in my own world. I felt something building up and grabbed his arm "S..Suzaku wait ah.." I tried to slow him down, but he got what was coming and went faster. " Ahh wait" but he didn't listen, it was burning so much, and everything went white as I came.

I was catching my breath and lay down limply after the orgasm as he pulled out his fingers licking them. Suzaku was talking but my mind was hazy, I came back to feel something poking my entrance and see Suzaku not clothed hovering above me. I attempt to talk "Suza..ku are you sure", panting through my words "We can't take back what's lost". He leans down kissing me for the umpteenth time sealing our fate, he pulls back with a little blush having one of our hand's fingers intertwined giving a look of asking and I nodded.

His hard member slid between my folds not pushing in teasing me, also wetting it. After a while of me whiney push in his tip in gentle and slowly pushing the rest in. I hold his hand and put the other on his back, scraping it holding my breath as he stretches me even more than his fingers. Suzaku pushed the rest in, and he was elbows not trying to fall on me, begin grinding to let me get used to it.

I squeezed his hand letting him know, drew himself back, taken to the tip and went back in. "A-ah" I moaned out Suzaku rocked back and forth doing a steady thrust making myself dissolve in his arms. He was panting in my ear trying to go easy "It feels good right" I felt nothing but pleasure, I was unable to speak unless it was his name and moans. "Su..zaku" I gasp as he met my cervix and I fear he might go deeper. I opened my eyes to see his close enjoying every step, I then went up to his shoulder and took a bite, a mark on him now.

He groans at the feeling of pain and almost drops on me. I let go seeing the teeth mark I leave behind while I sense him twitch inside of me. He opens his eyes showing his emerald green, I laugh a little "Like a bit of pain don't you" and I haven't seen eyes darken faster than his. He snatched my hips and "Looks like I was going too easy" he pulls back then slammed back inside. "Suka-ahhh" he was going harder than before and I writhed under him, it only took a few more thrust until I came from pleasure. Suzaku held me down as he follows, his cock pulsed, pouring thick ribbons into me "I'm sorry" he pants as we both went unconscious. 

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