Damn he Persistent

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Next day 

After what happened last night, I don't know how I really did. I join Lelouch to save Suzaku and make him known as Zero. When I get to school all, I heard is Zero and why he kills Clovis. I got to class, and Shirley comes up to me "Hyejin you saw what was on T.V. right" "Yes, I did it's about Zero". "Why do you think he did it" "no one will know" then I feel eyes on me, and I move my eyes a little bit and it was Lelouch. Did he finger it out that fast not it can't be. I just have to act normal that it.

We all sat down, and class had started. When it's break time Rivalz and Lelouch comes up to us to talk about what happened. "Like do you think it was actually poison gas" Rivalz said like it was. "I don't think so" I reply, "and why is that Hyejin" Lelouch said to me. I look at him "well if it was why is there no report about people die from gas, we all saw on T.V.", "she got you there Lelouch" Shirley helping me out.  Lelouch still looks suspicious of me but let it for now. Class begins again and we learn whatever it was. 

It's time to go to club room as we all pack up the other went ahead while I still pack. All of sudden a girl comes up to me. "Um Hyejin can you come with me really quick" she asks me. I look at her and see she from a different class "Oh what's up we can talk in here" "No! please just follow me". I hope it not one of those get jump by mean girls, but I follow her. 

The place we are at was a big tree and flowers around "wait on no". "Hyejin, I want to tell you something" I look at her "I like you, and I want to go out with you". My eyes widen oh shit my first love confession "there is a lot of people in the school who like you, but I want you". I smile sadly said "thank you for telling me this, but I can't except". Her eyes started to water "I see I'm sorry for wasting your time" before she ran to cry, I grab her. I wipe her tears like in those rom com and said, "don't waste you tears for me", and I tip her head for her to look me in the eyes. "You will find a nice person for you in the future you just have to look ok". She blushes and I walk/ran back to the classroom as I don't have my phone for as Moon as I got there nothing looks at of place. I get everything and go to the club room on the way Lelouch come out of nowhere. 

"Oh, hey Lelouch what are you doing" I ask "I went to find you to join the rest of us". "Sorry I had to do something" I blush when he came closer "and what was that" "that's none of your business" and push him and went to the club room. "There you are Hyejin" Shirley said "sorry for being late" "you better be sorry because without you I'll be in so much paperwork" Milly as always be dramatic. Lelouch had walk in and had a smirk on his face and I don't look at him. I got though the time we had the meeting and left. 

I got home and when to my room to get on my laptop to look on the trade service where you can trade anything. I look to see if there is any thing for me from that person, I been sending letter to but no. I then look for any information on my homeland the K.R to see what my dead-beat uncle. As usual he making the country turn like Britannia slave but when I see a group talk about looking for the rightful ruler, I'm surprise they are looking for me. Sadly, I can't go back yet I need to have an army and I'll get one. When I was busy, I heard I got a text and see to say go to the school to meet. I swear if it another person to ask me out but got up and go.

Little bit later

When I go there it was so dark, but I kept going until I got to place, they ask. I waited to think they are late then I got a phone call. I pick it up and heard "look back" turn around and once I did, I see Lelouch with his left eye glowing I turn my head before he can use his geass. The downside when he sees this he moves forward and trapped me against the door and his body. I keep my eyes shut but I can feel him against me I'm lucking that I'm not a guy. "What is it Lelouch", "so it was you the whole time" "what are you talking about" as I try to mislead him but what he said next shock me. "

You are Moon Hyejin Amos, or should I say Haneunim" "how do you know" "that time you left with that girl who wants to ask you out I look at your phone which is funny that it wasn't the one you use all the time". "Then I look online for info about the Amos family it was hard to find but you are the princess people are looking for" I can feel his smirk even if I close my eyes. "So, you think I'll bow to just because you know that" "well what do you got Hyejin". "I know your secret" I open my eyes to get ready to push him "that you and Nunnally are Britannia royalty". 

Lelouch looks shock that I know that, but I push him but push too hard and I went down as well. I fell on him and felt his chest against my face I was about to get up and run but he got my arm. He was about to use his geass again but close my eyes as my face was close to his. "And you know geass as well huh" "yes, I do Lelouch". "Look Hyejin, I want you to promise me something and that is for you to stick with me". I didn't need to think about it "I will but first I don't want you to use your geass on me so we can talk face to face". "Fine" "pinkies promise" we did it and I open my eyes to see his violet. 

"How about I ask you a question you answer it deal" Lelouch said and sit up a little but me still on his lap, so I don't get away." Ok what do you want to know" "why you want to help me". I look at him dumbfound "didn't I said it before to take out Britannia". Lelouch looks deadpan
again why" "you know my backstory that my bullshit father side of the family destroys my mother and father and work together with my uncle to take over the K.R. and now that place where I'm supposed to be is going downhill". It makes my blood boil just thinking about it. Just because I'm not from here I was still born here. All the kind people and the beautiful city I can see from my window. I see that how you feel yeah so what of it and then I feels his hands on my face and he wipe the tears I didn't know coming down. 

After he was, I was done crying and he done wipe my face he holds my hands with his. I look at him as he looks at me "ok Hyejin let's destroy and Britannia together or sure I say Moon". I hold his hand harder "let's do it Zero". We both got up to leave knowing we are partners. "I got one more question Hyejin" "and what's that" "how you know Suzaku". "How you know that" "it was when his face was on the T.V. screen you look scared for him". I look ahead "well yes; I do but it was a long time" "I'm listening Hyejin" "Suzaku and I met when I was sent to Japan to keep me safe and that my uncle messes up bad with them". "Back then he was a brat and annoy but after I beat him in a fight, we go closer but after a year and a half I had to leave for Britannia because everyone from the Amos family died and we lose touch". 

I stop as we are at the front and turn to Lelouch "back then when you said why I let him go it was because I now know he is alive even after I was gone". "So, you were the little mistress everyone there was talking about" "what they still use that nickname". "They did but let's go our own ways" "yeah, you're right it's late" as I look at the moon and stars that are out "one more thing before you go Hyejin". I turn my head and Lelouch came closer and kiss my cheek I turn all red and he smirk "that was for early". 

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