Enter: Moon

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After what happened yesterday, I went back home to make sure I have everything ready for what's to come. Good thing that when me and Rivalz go back the teacher wasn't there our ass was save. Now I'm in the student council room with everyone for a meeting. I turn my head and see Lelouch sleeping. "Oh no he going to get hit" and right there and then Milly hits him with a rolled-up paper.

"Lelouch Wake up you were sleeping again" she said as Lelouch holds his head "No I weren't". "You're stopped moving" Shirley said. Rivalz smiled and said "that' what you get for ditching Hyejin and me" "GUTS" Milly then shouted. I talk to Lelouch "are you alright" "yea I'm fine thank you Hyejin" as he smiled back to me. Milly was saying we need to be on track and then said to Shirley that's she a ten. "What do you Prez" I look at where she looks and look at Milly "you are right Milly" 'I know right'. Shirley realized what we meant and blushed and cover herself "you guys are pervs". 

Class was going to start and when we got there Kallen was talking with her friends. It was about how she can come to school now I can tell that in the inside Kallen is annoy. When class was going, I can hear Rivalz telling Lelouch to get with Kallen I just roll my eyes. 

Lunch Time

Right now, I'm having lunch with Shirley, and we are just taking about school or what we should do for the weekend. "Like we can go to that new movie Hyejin" I look at her "well maybe it depends if I don't have household things going on". "What do you mean household things" Shirley looks at me confused. "You know that I'm from the Amos's well I'm the head off the family and that means I got to meet people to talk about business and what not". "That got to be so hard for you Hyejin" "Oh trust me it is". "At least you can use that skill for the council". 

We were walking back to class when Milly out of nowhere pops out. "Hyejin the person I was looking for" as she jumps in front of me. "Hi Milly, what can I do you for" "I need you to help me and Shirley, I need you to go and get Rivalz we are going to have a party" she said out loud. "Who are we having the party for Prez" Shirley ask. "That is for Kallen because she is joining the council". 

It's that time already well I need to make her like me because Kallen is a good person to be around. "Ok Milly should we go do the thing you wanted to do" "good pointing that out Hyejin that why you third in charge". And with that Shirley goes and find Rivalz and Milly and I go and set things up.

Some time passes and Milly goes to see where the others are at while I go to the council room to get a music player. When I got there, I see someone "Nunnally what are you doing here" as I ask her "Oh hi Hyejin I was done with class and Milly told me we are going to have a party" she turns her wheelchair toward me. "Yes, there is but it's in the ball room would you like me to take you there, but can you hold the music player" "yes, I can do that Hyejin". I walk to her and place it in her lap, and she holds it. I got behind her "are you ready Nunnally" "Yes let's go" and I started pushing. As we walk back to the room, we take about random things and she said she is learning origami. "If you want, I can teach you" "oh really you too nice Hyejin" she said as we got there. I open the door and see everyone already there.

Milly turns around and see us "there you guys are "with that everyone looks at us. "Where have you been" Milly said as Nunnally pick up and pass me the music box. "What do you mean Milly I went to council room for the music player You wanted" as I place it down. "Oh, right I did tell you that huh" Milly said as I started to get the music going.  

"Um Hyejin you still need to introduce yourself" Shirley runs up to me. I turn and look at her and then I look at Kallen and Lelouch who are there. "Oh, Hi I'm Hyejin Amos and I'm the advisor of the student council as I smiled at her and then Nunnally spoke up "And I'm Nunnally Lelouch's younger sister and I'm in the middle school here so I'm not on the council yet". Rivalz got up "that alright you are still an honor member in our books". Kallen looks at us and smile "nice to meet you I'm Kallen Stadtfeld". 

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