Screw the Nobles

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Hyejin Pov

"Ahhh" I scream as I'm hitting my pillow thinking about what happened last night. I just can't believe it, Lelouch kiss me again "kiss me!". I feel like my head going to blow from thinking about as I stop a lay down touching my lips. I can't help but like it my first kiss was Lelouch as I was thinking my door open. "Miss, you have to get ready for the party" Ms. Ruth said coming in. Alright I have to go to a stupid party "Ms. Ruth do I have to go" trying to get out of it. If you tell where you were last night you don't have to go" she smiled. "Fine you got me I'll get ready" and I jump out of bed and went to take a shower.

Euphemia Pov

"So, we are going to a party" I ask Cornelia to know if I'm hearing that right. Cornelia is doing her Viceroy duties, but I can see on her face she not happy about it. "Yes, this party is to get a grasp of the nobles in area 11" she said looking through paperwork. "Princess Cornelia this is also an opportunity to see if any of them is disrespecting the crown" Darlton let out his distrust for some nobles. "I do understand where you're going Darlton but princess Cornelia also should have a cool off from all the black knights" Guilford comments on the matter.

"I think we can do both at the party but really who would try me" Cornelia smirk to herself. "Oh, and Euphemia you can go and get ready for the party but dress modestly" "I will Viceroy" I left the room right after. When I get to my room my bodyguards are there "Ah princess Euphemia we already have your schedule down and the dress pick" "Oh thank you but can I ask for the guest list for the party". My hands sweat wanting to know if the two people I want to see go "I'm sorry princess we don't have the list but will have it when it's time". I let go a sigh "No never mind I'll just see at the party" then I went the shower.

It must be Cornelia doing she just keep treating like a kid. I want to go out to see things on my own. How can I be like what Hyejin said I could be. I really want to see her again.

Suzaku Pov

"What I'm going" I look at Ms. Cécile and Lloyd at what they are telling me. "Oh, what Suzaku don't you want to climb the food chain" Lloyd said in his own way before Cécile scold him. "I think it would be fine if you can't come Suzaku" Cécile smiles. This is a big opportunity for me to see and be known at this noble party, but I don't think this will end well. "I'll go but what sure I wear" "Oh don't worry about that Lloyd already had an outfit for you" and they went back to work.

I went back to do some homework, but I can stop thinking about the party. I just hope everything goes well.

Author Pov


It's time for the party as people were popping bottles and talking among themselves. Everyone was doing their own thing as some guest came. "Suzaku, I hope the suit is alright" Cécile ask as they walk behind Lloyd. "Yea the suit is fine I'm just worry" looking around as some people stared at him as he's an alien. "Oh, Suzaku don't get cold feet now" "I won't Lloyd or I wouldn't have come".

They went to part of the room where there was an open table and got their drinks. They were talking to each other trying to ignore the stares and gossip about Suzaku. Time goes on until "Attention everyone please present Princess Cornelia li Britannia and Princess Euphemia li Britannia" someone announced. Out came Cornelia and Euphemia in gorgeous dresses and with them was Cornelia knight Gilford and Darlton.

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