Black knight Are here

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The next few days were just the same old like any other. I'm in the club room on my laptop seeing if there's anything we can use. Lelouch had ask me to get the hideout ready so we can meet with Ogi's group. I as doing the work out of nowhere "Hyejin I need to ask you something" Milly jumps up next to me. I shut the laptop and turn to her "what's up Milly" I asked to look normal.

She sat down next to me well "I want to ask if you want to hang out with Shirley, Nina, and I" she asked. "We're going to lake Kawaguchi for girls' night" man I want to go but I need to be with Lelouch "Sorry Milly I can't go I got work" I said.

She had pout "Oh come on, Hyejin you never hangout" "I'm sorry Milly I just can't" I reply. She looks upset as she put her head on the table, I let out a sigh "Milly how about this instead you get to have me for an event no matter what and I'll pay for it" Milly immediately stands up. "Really Hyejin any event and you pay for it" she seems I was lying.

"Let me see your phone" and she hand it to me I went to the voice recording. "I Hyejin will do any event or hangout with Milly and whoever else comes also to pay for everything and to my future self who might listen to this just go it's not the end of the world" and I finish the recording. I handed Milly her phone back "Now you have proof of our agreement Milly don't delete it now" and I smiled to her. She looks so excited to have a pass to have me do anything with her "I hope you don't regret it Hyejin" and she smiled and walked out of the room.

I know I will regret this, but I do want to hang out with them and I'm happy that Milly is happy. I got back to work and see an email from Hana in it she talks about what she can find but it not much. She's doing her best with what she found and as how to proceed as I'm the strategies between us.

She had that one of noble house there is trying to merge with a Britannia house. So far, they are nowhere near to be talking about that, so I just told her to leave it alone and see what happens. And with that I told her to try find dirt that some nobles try to buried.

After I was done with what I had to do I lead back in the chair to relax. This is so much work I can wait to have break for a little bit. That's when the bell rings mean I got to go to class so I clean my computer to make sure no one see. Then I walk to class for a boring lecture.

A day later

Right now, Lelouch and I are in the fancy car that is our hideout for now. We both are in our own suit while I'm on the computer to have things in place and Lelouch is next to me reading some papers.

"Um Lelouch where are they", I ask him "They will be here they have no other choice" still reading. We waited for a little bit then we hear footsteps and we put on our helmets.

"Hey guys do you think this the right place" a voice "It got to be unless he lied". Lelouch spoke out to them "Are you guys doubting me already, it's the right place" and they come in.

"Wow looks at this place it so big" one of them said as they all look around. Then one of them look at us and see me next to Zero "Wait who are you" pointing at me. "I guess we didn't meet yet I'm Moon partner of Zero" I said and everyone except Kallen and Ogi got agitated.

"What but you were nowhere to be seen when we met Zero" the one, I think name Tamaki said. "Yeah, how can we trust you" a dude name Kento said. "Well, if you like to know I was getting the things we need to save Suzaku Kururugi and two of you our people can verify that". That's when Kallen jumps in "that's right Ogi and I was the only one to meet you that day". Ogi spoke out "Moon was the other knightmare that night with me and they were better than me at it".

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