Student council Night Out

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Few days later

"Why do I have so much work" I said to myself grumbled because there so much even if I don't go meet other nobles. Ms. Ruth and the other servants even if I had four others are doing their best to help me with it. Well mostly Ms. Ruth and Mr. Leo help with the other just make sure everything is clean for me.

Good thing I got rid of the people who was nothing but trouble and keep the ones who are on my side no matter what.

Lelouch Pov

"Nunnally you're ready" I called out "Yes big brother I am" as I see her in one of her pink outfits. I got behind to get ready to push "alright let's go and meet everyone".

It had been a few days since our last drug bust and Kallen mom incident, so I told the black knights to rest. Right now, Nunnally and I are going to the place Milly ask us to be for a student council night out. I didn't want to but then she talks about me skipping school, so I had to as Nunnally wants to go as well.

As we get there, I see Shirley, Rivalz, Nina, Kallen, and Suzaku waiting. "Hey, you guys" I call out to them. They all turned to see us "You guys made it" Suzaku said smiling to us. "Now it's just Milly and Hyejin we are waiting for" Nina said, "I get Prez but Hyejin late" Rivalz looks impatient. Then Milly had jumped out in surprise "Milly is here" she said out loud. "Finally, Milly what's took so long" said Shirley who pout.

"Aw calm down you guys I was making sure I got the place" Milly smiled. "Wait what about Hyejin" Suzaku said wondering if she comes. I was thinking the same thing.

Milly smirk "Well actually we are going to Hyejin house" she said. "What we are" Kallen said not sure about it, but Milly started walking already "let's go people". So, we all off to Hyejin house I wonder what her house looks like.

Little bit later

This can't be her house no way. Right now, we are stand in front a mansion. Everyone including myself look in awe as to see the flowers around and the beautiful exterior. "Milly are you sure we got the right address" I said to her not sure.

"Let's hope so" as she rings the doorbell. After a minute a maid open the door "Um can I help you" she asks. "Hello, I'm Milly Ashford from Ashford academy I and the rest of student council was wondering if Hyejin is here" Milly answer.

"I'm not supposed to let anyone in unless the Miss said so hold on here" and she left. "Milly this can't be the right house we might get in trouble" Rivalz freaking out "Didn't you hear her she said Miss maybe that's Hyejin" Shirley said to calm him down.

Seconds later the door swings opened revealing a middle-aged woman and older man. "Milly it's nice to see you again come in" the lady said as they rush us in the house. The inside is better than the outside they put us in the living room as a different maid and manservant put down refreshments.

"I'm so glad that the Miss friends came oh before I forget I'm Ms. Ruth Miss. Hyejin advisor" she introduced herself. "And I'm Mr. Leo her Butler" he then pointed out and "She is Ezra, and he is Oliver" then they bow to us. "The one you met earlier was Wendy don't be alarm by her she was following orders".

"Oh, it's alright we should have called ahead" Suzaku said to clear up the trouble we might of cause. "No, it was my fault I forgot that Milly asks to come over to pick Hyejin for a day" Ms. Ruth said in apology.

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