I want to help Euphie

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What am I going to do

In a few days the S.A.Z is going to happen and everyone in the black knights or should say everybody going on the fritz. Some are for it some are against it the fact is I know how it could turn out and I can't let that happen.

Tokyo Settlement

I wonder why a meeting now.

I'm at the Tokyo Settlement because I got a call to talk about the S.Z.A and some others that they didn't tell me. I was wearing a dress shirt with a light blue infringement with a black robe type blazer and regular black pants I wanted simple but still fashionable. I was walking to find the room where to meet the others when I hear "Hyejinnn is that you dear". I know that sociopath voice "Lloyd you're here too" I turn see him in his normal green noble outfit with his crazy smile. "Look like we're stuck together again" he described as to our first meeting together "Yep it seems, but do you know what's this about" I ask as we walk.

"Not a clue but I hear there was arrest here and there" he told me. That when I realized this is probably a way to sneak out all the people who went behind the royal family. I'm one of them but I know it's impossible to link me to things unless Euphemia said anything about me being Moon that ruined everything I had done this far. If I know Euphie 'which I do' she won't say anything about it so I should be fine.

"Well look who's here the sociopath scientist and the foolish little girl" a man with a flashy outfit but with an overgrown belly starts when we walk in the room. "If it isn't Felix Miller and his cluster, I thought you'll stay at that strip club because you be there more than your house" I clap back as Lloyd chuckles. We took our seat and he just fuming "I see you still don't have manners" I rolled my eyes not even going to engaged with him. I pull out my phone and start to work on how to use Nina Uranium-235 idea into my own because I need weapons that are unique and hard to counter for my Knightmare in the future.

"Hyejin dear you know it's better to share to a fellow researcher on these things" I look to see Lloyd all in my business. Well, it will do good to get some of his feedback "Ok then Lloyd just to ask if I was able to break it down and add it like to VARIS rifle would it make it more powerful". Lloyd gave me look as I try to show an example as a blueprint "That's not a bad idea, but we don't know if it even can combine because too many particles make it explode on impact". I huff why is this more difficult, but I then felt a hand on my shoulder "I did say we don't know so it could work just needs a lot of experiences, but you'll need approval" Lloyd smile like normal.

I guess I try to do it with the Radiant Wave Surger to see it outcome since I don't want people to know "Thank you Lloyd-" "All right you all are here". I immediately shut my phone as we all turned to see general Bartley with some soldiers with him this is not good. "Bartley, I see you're back" one of Miller henchmen try to make fun of him because of the Clovis incident but he got bud in the head by one of the soldiers. That set Miller off "What is the meaning of this Bartley" he shouts enraged "If you didn't hear princess Euphemia is making the SAZ and this is the time to catch you traitors".

When he said that some people in the room had tense up mins me and Lloyd, he because he always on the battlefield for data for his Lancelot but I'm pretty sure he got nothing on me. "You'll never take me" one women got up to make a run for it but didn't make it far and got dragged out by a soldier. Bartley had a smile on his face "Seems one down a many to go" Miller looks more anxious as some of his people were getting called out. He took a look at me then he smirks what do he plan to do "Well Bartley before you continue can I say it interesting that Ms. Amos is acquainted with princess Euphemia, and we all know how she treats the numbers".

Everyone on his side see what to do to keep light off them "Lord Miller is right and didn't you see how she act with Kururugi 'Euphemia knight'". They all mumbled to themselves, and Bartley did turn to me "I see they are right what do you say Ms. Amos". Soldier came closer and I know I can fight my way through it but that the last option before I can speak "Bartley you do know who you talking to right" Lloyd had ask him. Bartley had scowl "What is it you dawn scientist" Lloyd keeps his iconic smile "I mean they said themselves she friends with princess Euphemia that means if you're wrong you're disrespecting royalty".

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