Not High School

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Hyejin Pov

That was a long time age from when I live at kururugi household. I am 18 years old now living it this big mansion look out the window contemplary the past 7 to 8 years


"Why are you leaving me Hyejin" Suzaku hugs me as I have to leave to Britannia. My father old household had died a left me the sole heir for the Amos a noble house even if my father was a half breed.

"I'm sorry Suzaku but that how life's work" as he and I hug each other harder. "Suzaku, can you look me in the eyes" his teary emerald, green look at my bright golden eyes.

"In the future I promise that we will find each other ok" as I wiped his tears "I will find you Hyejin alright" "yes, I'm sure you will Suzaku"

Flashback ends

After my goodbye to Suzaku I started to see what the Amos house all about. But when I got there turned out some of name when toward to other houses and the name is barely spoke of.

Which in my opinion great for me I still have all the fortune of the house so it's great. I'll be on the black market to money so I'm so far but then I realized my mission. Japan had turned to area 11 and I'm going to fix everything.

I had send some documents to the school I'll be attending Ashford academy. Yes I can wait to meet they all but I have to be a mouth before every start. I jump on my big ass bed going to sleep thinking about tomorrow.

Next day

Tomorrow is here and I'm standing in front of the headmaster.

"Welcome Ms. Amos to Ashford I hope you like it here" "thank you Mr. Ashford i hope as well" we chat the door open to bright girl grandfather I'm here

"Oh Ms. Amos this is my granddaughter Milly Ashford Milly say hi" "hello I'm Milly" "hi I'm Hyejin Amos" "nice to meet you hyejin I'm here to show you around"

We leave the office as she show me around and we chat about random thing. "Oh before I forget you need to join a club since you are joining Ashford  I hope that's alright"

"That's fine Milly but I don't think I found one for me" "don't be sore kitty you find your group" Milly said happy-go-lucky. This is why I love her so much as we get to the classroom I'll be staying Milly get the teacher to say I'm here.

"Okay that all for me but Hyejin if you can't find a club just come look for me" "thank you milly have a good one" then she leaves.

I wait outside until the teacher gets me. I walked in and stand in front of the class everyone looking at me.

"Everyone this is our new student" she looks at me "introduce yourself" I walk up a little bit a smile "hello everyone my name is Hyejin Amos I hope we all get along".

As I was done some look at me as if i was a goddess some not. "Alright thank you Ms. Amos you can take a seat next to Shirley Fenette raise you hand". When she raises her hand I walk to the desk next to her and put my thinks down.

"Nice to meet you I'm Shirley" I look at her green eye and greet her back my heart is pounding "can I stay the class now lady's" "sorry teacher" me and Shirley look at each other and smile


Here I was on the roof taking a breather so many people started asking questions about me and what I like I run away when they was not looking.

"People giving you trouble" I turn and see Shirley with her lunch "yea like it my first day people need to chill" she laughs "I was wondering if you like to eat lunch together" "alright" and that how we kick off.

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