What went wrong

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Lelouch Pov

I don't know what's going through Hyejin mind but knowing her for a while it just her character, she was right that I don't what to hurt Euphie she was just like Nunnally the worst type of opponent. I guess we should see how this go if it goes downhill at least that's a way for the black knight to have so much support. I sat down with Hyejin on my left and Suzaku to my right and Euphie went to make her speech and seeing her now I get what Hyejin was talking about, she has grown. Euphie called one of us up and I look at Hyejin and nodded I'm trusting her on this, she the closest to me at this point because she knows all my sides, stuck to me even if I doubted her.

 Maybe later after everything is resolved and we are back at school I could probably or let leave that for later we don't even know what's going happen after the SAZ. "Seems like you accept defeat" I look little to my right pass Suzaku and it's one of Cornelia men, Suzaku talks to him "Sir Darlton right now isn't the place". "Maybe not but the black knights are finish" he said with confidence, I'll deal with him later "Funny how you think the black knights will go away we do fight for justice" corrected him. His face got heated and Suzaku tried to calm things down "We are in a middle of something let's do this later-" 'Beep, Beep, Beep' he was cut off.

That was coming from the intermission from C.C. and both Suzaku and Darlton turn to me "What with the call Zero" Darlton being aggressive, but I ignore him. I turn it on "What is-" "Zero get you and Moon out of there it's a trap" C.C. advise me "This isn't funny Zero or is this part of your plan" Suzaku growled to me because they heard C.C. "Oh please" I snap back to him and pay attention to Hyejin and Euphie. My heart drop "Screw this SAZ I'll never forgive this" a noble man had shout out Darlton turns to him "What got in your mind this is under-" he didn't finish because he got shot, both me and Suzaku see how serious this is "Moon" "Euphie" "Watch out" they look at us for a little bit until they fell throw the floor. "Attention Kill all the elevens this instant" someone yelled I immediately got up and ran back knowing they'll come for me.

As I was running to C.C. in the Gawain I pass a window to the stadium and is horrified, corpses were everywhere, blood painting the ground. I kept going needing to find Hyejin and Euphie when I was almost there Darlton came out of nowhere "You did something you bastard" I guess I'll use him for later as I geassed him and he pass out. "Wow didn't know this would happen and where Hyejin" C.C. ask me as soon I got in and we flew over the stadium seeing the carnage "I don't know but we need to find her or else she-" I stop myself not wanting to think about it she will not end up like my mother I refuse. But I must use this to my advantage, "Attention Zero return that unit-AHH" I just blast them I radio to everyone "This is my orders the SAZ is a trap to lure us in they even drop Moon somewhere everyone go to the main floor and rise an attack, protect the Japanese and find Moon". 

Hyejin Pov

"Uhh..hh" what's going on my head is killing me "Hyejin please get up" I hear a voice that sound far away. I felt hand on me and open my eyes a little Euphie came in my vision she seems to call out to me, I look pass her a see the sky, but it seems smaller 'Alright we had a fall". My senses were coming back, and I sat up holding my head and realize my mask is off and panic "Hyejin I had to take of the mask to see if you're ok, it's right here" Euphie told me and pass my mask. "Seem we had a nice fall" I said kind of making comedy out of it "Well I landed on you but now isn't the time something is wrong" expressing her worries. Which she is right I don't know what's going on since I change a main event, I guess cause and effect "You're right Euphie but we need to get out of here before the person who put us down gets to us".

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