God damn, It's Mao

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"I'm home!" I shout to let everyone know I'm here but "Miss!" and a body crash into me. "Is what Ms. Ruth said true you were in a sword fight" it was Oliver "Tell me who it was I will crush them" "Calm down Oliver," I already did push him off. "They are so lucky but when I see them, I'll-" "Okay I get it, but shouldn't you be asleep" I questioned him "Right well I wanted to ask do you want me to join the black knights" I rise my eyebrows. "That's it well I don't think you should because I need you to be off the black knight's radar just in case" "Okie dokie well then goodnight, Miss" and I went to my room.

"Ring ring"

I hold my phone looking and see it was Shirley "Hey Shirley is something wrong" there was a pause "I don't know I just need someone to talk to" I can hear it in her voice that she spooked. "Do you want to talk about it" "No just can you calm me down" "How should I do that" "Can you sing a song please" I start thinking but do it anyway "Okay Shirley I sing one".

(The song is the Dango Daikazoku from Clannad make you ugly cry)

As I finish, I hear her breathing slow down "Shirley are you there?" but come to realize she fell asleep. I smiled to myself "Goodnight, Shirley" and I end the call, but I make sure to text her that I'm there for her when she wakes up and then I let darkness consume me.

Next day

It the next day after the party and I have to go to school, but I don't want to face Lelouch. Good thing after class I don't have to worry because he's not there. So, I just started walking to the club room and see everyone even Nunnally is there "Hey guys" I wave. "Oh, Hyejin sit next to me" Suzaku had a space for me and I sit down "What you guy's talking about". I should have known something was wrong when it was Nina "Hyejin Suzaku said you are closer to Princess Euphemia" I immediately try to run away but I was hold down "Oh no Hyejin you have to stay" "Suzaku let go now".

I struggle to get out of his arms but no avail "How strong are you" but he just chuckles. "So, it's true like before you're friends with her" Milly said wondering how that happened "What! Hyejin, you never tell me that" Rivalz being dramatic. "Nina do you really want to see Euphemia" "Yes, I want to thank her from the hotel" as she starts fiddling "Wait can I meet her too" "Why you want to Rivalz" "Because Milly I can marry royalty". "I don't think you meet her with impure motives" Nunnally spoke out "Oh no you Nunnally" Milly just hit him with a roll up paper "Rivalz Nunnally see right through you".

Nunnally smile at the conversation "I would like to meet her as well" and we all look at her but me and Suzaku for a different reason. "Something wrong" I just pat her head since I'm next to her "No Nunnally it's just even I have restrictions about Euphemia, and I wouldn't be a good friend by bringing people to her willy-nilly" and Nina drop her head. The club phone had started to ring, and Suzaku pick it up "Hello Ashford club room oh Lelouch" as he talking to Lelouch I see Arthur messing around. "Oh, sure Hyejin Lelouch wants to talk with you" "Hm why" "I don't know ask him" as he pass me the phone and my heart beats.

"Yea Lelouch you need something" I ask him nervously because the others are around me "Hyejin I need to ask about Shirley," and I let a breath. "What about Shirley did you do something" I try to act and good thing the others can't hear Lelouch clearly, "I think Shirley was at the Port so did she send anything unusual," "So you did do something ohh you're in trouble" still acting as pulling my phone out. Seeing that she sends a text back saying thank you to me I got worried "She did call me last night but after nothing" "Okay Hyejin, I'll text you later about Shirley and good acting" "What I'm not helping you with that I'm not your cupid" but good thing Arthur acting up and bit Suzaku.

"Hey, no Arthur" Suzaku in pain I grab Arthur away from him look at her in the eye "Bad kitty bad" and she jump away. "She really doesn't like you Suzaku" as Milly pats his back "Hyejin what about your call" "Oh right" and I pick up the phone, but it got hanged up. "Damn it I really don't want to it" "Huh what is Hyejin" Rivalz looks at me "Lelouch did something and now I have to patch things up with him and Shirley". Milly eyes start to glow "What did he do Hyejin you got to tell me" she hangs over Suzaku getting to me "I don't know Milly Arthur ruined it before he could tell me" pushing her away.

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