Cat Chase

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I wakes up I heard someone call for me but I'm still sleeping then I felt a hand shaking me. I open my eyes and see that Lelouch was looking down at me "come on wake up" he said to me. I sat up to rub my eyes seeing that it was morning I look back to Lelouch "good morning" as I yawn. "Hurry up we got to go to school" Lelouch said as he drags me to the bathroom. When I was done, I walk out to get ready and went to the dining room to see Lelouch and Nunnally waiting for me. "Good morning Nunnally" she turns her head to me "good morning, Hyejin" as I pat her head. We ate breakfast and then went to school, but I went first so there be no gossip. 

Sometime later

Class was going as usual then the teacher stop class to tell us something. "Class calms down we have a new student" they she had turn and went to the door "you can come in". A familiar person with brown hair and emerald eyes had walked in almost everyone in class started to whisper about the person. "Hello, I'm Suzaku Kururugi nice to meet you all" now things will be extra fun with Suzaku here. "You may take a sit" and he sat down in front of me I'll just keep quiet until later. 

When class was done, I was going to talk to Suzaku but before that I was call to the headmaster office. It made me confuse but I still went and when I got there it was Mr. Ashford and Ms. Ruth. "What are you doing here Ms. Ruth" as I got closer than greet Mr. Ashford "hello Miss. Amos, I hope you are doing good". "Yes, I am doing well may I ask what I was call for" Mr. Ashford pick some paper pushing it towards me. "Miss. Amoz, I heard that you will be Suzaku Kururugi sponsor from now on, so I'll give you the papers to fill out". I got the paperwork and started to do it but with Ms. Ruth as she wants to make sure I am doing it right even after all the times I did it before. When I was done, I could go back to class I said goodbye to Ms. Ruth and walk back. On the way there I can hear all the people talking about Suzaku and my blood boil, but I knew Suzaku might not want me to do that. 

When I get there Suzaku is gone with Lelouch well I should give them time for themself. I went to sit down and Shirley and Rivalz came up to me and started to talk about Suzaku. "Hyejin, you saw right, he was sitting Infront of you" Rivalz try to make it a big deal. Shirley came in defense Rivalz "cut it out I doubt Suzaku will do anything". I just sat there hear their conversation while other talk about Suzaku and I couldn't hold it. I sat up and walk out of class furious, I need to cool my head down and went to the club room knowing no one will be there. As I walk in, I was wrong there is Milly who was doing some papers. She looks up and when she sees me her eyes glitter "Hyejin the person, I need" I felt a sweat drop "what is that you need Milly". I knew it was bad the minutes she said it was not that bad but there was some work she had to do but she wants to go to her class she enjoys.

Then that leave me with all the paperwork, and I can't believe I had bad luck today. The paperwork wasn't all that bad it was like what I had to do back at home but much simpler because it only about school. While I was working the door open, and I see Lelouch, and Suzaku come in looking for something and then see me. "There you Hyejin" Lelouch said as they both come to me and Suzaku looking around the big room. "Sorry I just here doing Milly paperwork" I said to continue it "how do Milly have so much to do" "well she does like to wait until the last minutes but not all the time" Lelouch answer.

Suzaku was done looking around and looked at me "Hello I'm Suzaku-" I stop he immediately by throwing a stress ball at him. He recovered and had the ball in his hand "why did you do that Hyejin", I give him a face "first off all you don't have to make it seem this is our first-time meeting and second of all it make you look like a dork". "No, I don't" Suzaku put the ball on the table as he pouts. We went back and forth arguing but then we hear someone laughing turn our heads and it was Lelouch. "Sorry it's just funny seeing you two going at its" Suzaku back up "No Lelouch it our first time meet-" "Suzaku He already know" I said to him. "Oh, he does well this is awkward now" he blushes in embarrassment. "That's right the real reason we came to see you is do you want to come for dining tonight" Lelouch ask "huh are you sure" I look at him Suzaku got closer to me "please Hyejin come for dining" as he gives me puppy eyes and I fell for it.

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