The Princess, the Witch, and the Moon

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It's a new day and I didn't go to school because I need to cool off for what Lelouch did. Like how dare he do that to me my heart can't take it. Snice I wasn't going to school Ms. Ruth told me to go out then because she doesn't want me to hang around in my room all day. It was either school or go into the city to be around people why she does me like this. As I was walking around, I see many cafes and shops is this why Ms. Ruth want me out of the house. 

While I look around at different places, I bump into someone and but drop our stuff. "Oh, my I'm so sorry I should of pay attention" and I went to pick up our stuff, but the stranger did as well. "No, I'm sorry here let me help" I stop for a moment before I look at the person. 

Just my luck I meet my childhood friend Suzaku I said his name gently he stops and look at me. His eyes widen and move his arm to hug me as if I go "Hyejin, it been so long". I hug he back it's so nice to be hug by him just like when we are little. We stop and sit at an open bench to talk "I can't believe you are in Area 11" Suzaku said "Well first of all it will always be Japan and I came here after I was done with the main part of Britannia". "I move so I can go to school and try to have friends that are not people who want something". "Heck even to date around" Suzaku eyes darken "who are you dating Hyejin" I look at him not really surprise because he was like this when we were younger, he never changes. "Suzaku calms down I'm not dating anyone" I laugh as he pouts. 

We got up to walk around and I make sure to put my phone number in his. I had to excuse myself to use the bathroom but as I came back, he was gone. I know he didn't ditch me, and I went around to find him but then my phone rings and it was Suzaku. I pick it up "what a friend you are leaving me alone" I rise my voice to him. "I'm sorry Hyejin I got caught up with something here I'll send you, our location". I think to what he had just said before he ended the call, I'm pretty sure he said our am I going to meet her again.

I when to the place he sends me, and lord beholds she was here. "Ah Hyejin we're here" Suzaku said as I got closer to see the pick haired girl the one and only Euphemia. I'll just call her nickname because I can tell she don't want me to say she a princess. "Euphie is that you what are you doing here". "Hyejin I'm back from the homeland" Suzaku looks at the both of us "you both knows each other". "Suzaku, I just tell you this I was in the mainland and that where I meet people and one of them are Euphie". I walk towards her "I hope he didn't do anything he's nice just a hardhead" "hey I'm not a hardhead he came towards me. Euphie laugh seeing me and Suzaku acting like an old couple. "It's fine Hyejin but seen I'm here can we look around" and then she gives me puppy eyes. She trying to kill with cuteness. "Fine is that alright Suzaku" I look at him "yeah that's fine more the merrier". And the Euphie put her arms around my and Suzaku arms and started to pull us well us go. 

We walked around almost everywhere trying foods, looking at the clothes, and find the cat of the hour. I was currently holding her because she like me the best but Suzaku the worst. "Wow cats don't like you Suzaku" Euphie points out "I don't why they do", and he pouts. It was fun hanging around them but they Euphie got up I want one more place for you guys to show. She turns to us I want to go to Shinjuku.


How can we just take her to Shinjuku I know she wants to see it because she wants change. Now I got to make sure I don't snap on those boys but no promise. Here we are Shinjuku when I see it now, it looks worse than before I'm glad Clovis is dead. We walk around to see the countless graves of people lost I felt anger boil. We stop when it was those guys who are taking picture, I just want to smack them. Then the group of men went to them and knock their camera nice.

The fight was about to broke out and Suzaku leaps in. "I'm Japanese!" the leader said but the schoolboys are really trying to get their ass kicked. "You forget you lose and now you are a beaten dog". "Why you little racist" as the guy rise his fist Suzaku got in the way. "There is no need for violence" Suzaku tried to calm everyone down but "stay out of this" and his sunglasses fly away. 

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