Back from the dead

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Things were going back to normal, so I guess the shot I'm made was deadly. I was at home looking back and see if anything was new but no luck, so I left to school. I was thinking as I walk when I felt someone on me "Hyejin good morning". "Huh oh good morning, Shirley how are you doing" I ask as she let go of me smiling, "I'm great I can sleep better". She hooks her arm with me, and we went to school together. We were catching up from the past few days as we both got busy, I even tell her about giving Milly advice but all of a sudden, I had fell something. I had to stop and looked around and just seeing other students walking "Jinjin is something wrong" Shirley looks confuse. I couldn't get rid of this feeling "Um Shirley go without me I have to go check something" "Wait Hyejin", but I already left.

Please tell me she safe and I'm just losing my mind, but I just kept on running. When I got to the door, I pulled it open "Huh who's there" I look and see Nunnally was perfectly fine, and I exhaled. "Sorry it's me Nunnally" as I walk towards her "Ah Hyejin" she smiled at me kindly as she was doing origami. "I see you're still practicing" "Yes, I am I want to get to a thousand and make a wish" I pat her head "You will in no time Nunnally". I was busy with her that I didn't notice the person behind me.

Clap Clap Clap

I turn around immediately standing in front of Nunnally "Mao" I grit my teeth. "Ding you're correct" he grins evilly at us. I felt a hand on the back of my blazer "Hyejin what's wrong" "Don't worry Nunnally I'll keep you safe". He just smirk even more "I see trying to play hero well that no good" and he laughed "What do you want". "What I want I want revenge and I use you and her to get it" "And how would you do that even though you can't read my mind". He made fuming face "It's true then what's so different about you I can hear it but it's not clear" "Well maybe I'm stronger than you".

"Whatever you'll my hostages" and he pull out a gun and toss me rope "Now do me a favor and tie her up". Look like there no way around it.

It took a while, but Nunnally and I are down on the lower levels with Mao. "Nunnally I'm here with you" as I'm tie next to her "Okay Hyejin". Of course, Mao going to ruin it "I think you shouldn't be in this situation", and he just laugh again. He moves in front of me and pull off his sunglasses "It been a while since I tried this so let's see if it do well" and use his geass with direct eye contact. I can feel him digging into my mind and I couldn't handle it "No stop it" I yell "Why is it so hard just loosen up" he keeps trying and it seems he found something. He looks amazed by what it was "Get out of my head" I felt my geass turn on and he got push out.

He backed away "What was that tell me" "I will never tell even if you try again" as I was panting as I think I used my third geass. "One way or another I will find out" he turn and see his phone Maybe a certain someone will help.

Author Pov

Lelouch was walking down to go see Nunnally to tell her the good news that Suzaku is staying for dinner. As he was running, he was thinking how to talk to  Hyejin again and he can ask her all about what Mao was saying. He gets to the room, but it was empty and on the table was a picture of Nunnally and Hyejin tie up and a phone. The phone had rang, and he picked it up fast "Hello Lulu nice to see you again" "Mao what you want C.C isn't here". Lelouch grip the phone hard thinking about how Nunnally and Hyejin can be in harm "Aw yes I know that why I came after you".

Lelouch ran out of the room to go find them "You will have five hours to find us and don't use the police like last time". Meanwhile at the club room everyone was eating lunch. "So did they make up" Suzaku ask when he and Kallen are with Arthur "Milly didn't told me about it yet just leave it to Hyejin but what about Milly date" Rivalz response but in his self-pity. "This is serious though" Suzaku looks at Kallen "Don't even it's nothing with me". As Rivalz was eating he said, "You know even if Lelouch is smart how don't he see it" "Huh" Nina just replied to him. "Like he got no experience in the real thing" Nina starts to blush "Real thing" but then Rivalz just thought of something.

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