Off to Battle

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Hyejin Pov

It been a few days since the student council night out it was so fun because I never did that in my other life. When I got home, everyone was throwing questions to me left and right as they want to know how it went. "Calm down your guys we just went to the mall" I said as I took my shoes off and sat down in the living room. "Spill it there's way more you're not telling us" Ms. Ruth smiling as they try push me to tell them. "I'm not going to tell you we all just hang out" as I got up and went to my room to sleep it off.

Right now, I'm next to Lelouch as we are looking through people who wants to join the Black Knights. As we look, I heard a "splash" I look and see C.C. swimming "Are you enjoying yourself" I ask her. She kept swimming "It's alright but look how your group grow you'll have an army very soon" as Lelouch tugs me back to him. "Look here Hyejin this one Britannian his name is Diethard maybe he a spy" he said to me "Probably but if he isn't he be of use" I reply. Even though I hate him we need his for some missions. 

Days later

The time is now as I'm in my Moon suit looking at the Knightmare's the Kyoto House send us. "Look at these they recognize us" Tamaki said happily I mean everyone is. They went off to celebrate as Zero, Kallen, and I stayed behind "They are testing us" Zero said "You just finger that out" I reply back. Kallen looks confuse "What do you mean they send us more Knightmare" trying to understand what's wrong. "They are seeing if we can go up against Britannia this not time for a party" Zero said as we turn to her.

"Kallen catch" as I throw her the keys to the Guren she caught it and look up from it. "Why are you giving me the keys to the Guren one of you guys should have it" she said surprise that she the pilot. "Kallen you're the best pilot and are ace in the hole we believe you do well with the Guren" Zero said to her making sure she knows she the one for it. 

She nodded her head and left to the other to tell them about it when Zero turn to me "I want you to be in the same Knightmare as me". I was shocked he ask that "Why are you trying to be a Prev Zero" I ask, "No it's just you are better at a pilot, and it will be bad if I got caught" as he leans towards me "What about you having dirty thoughts", he said I turn around "Oh be quiet" as I'm blushing in my helmet. 

He was about to tease me more but then Ogi came in "Zero, Moon I'm here to tell you about a person who wants to join". "Save it for now Ogi because we are going somewhere" Zero said "What where?" he asks.

"We are going on a hike"

Narita Mountains

We went to the Narita Mountains as this is our next mission, Zero and I went ahead to have a look out and to make sure everyone else is safe. We got to the cabin and went inside "Zero and Moon" as both members of the Front point their guns toward us. Zero then use his Geass "You'll pretend nothing is wrong and go back to what you were doing", and they did his commend. 

I send the signal to the other Black Knights as we sat down. We both took off our helmets "You know Lelouch I like to ask are you ready for this" "I am, are you backing out" as he turns his head to look me in the eyes. "I'm not but we should prepare for the worst and even if it's in the far future" I said looking down as I think of Shirley's father, I should make a call. I feel and hand on mine and my head was tip up to look at Lelouch "Look Hyejin we can do this together like you said lean on me" as well he squeezes my hand gently. 

I smile at him "Thank you Lelouch" as he let go and I went outside there I see C.C. looking out "Oh C.C. are you cold" as I went next to her. "She shouldn't be here" as Lelouch as well comes out "Do you know why snow is white", she asks us. "I don't know why" Lelouch ask "It's because if forgotten what color it was," she answers. "Well, that's one way of thinking about" I said, and they both look at me "Why you say that Hyejin" C.C. ask, "White to me is a color that is pure as its not touch by anything yet" as I still look out to the mountain "But once it had it have personality or something that make it different". As I finish, I heard a ring and the other are in place "Lelouch it's time to go". 

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