I may be a freak...a really weird person
...I am addicted to all sorts of physical pleasures.Every type of them, I'm in...but with you. It turns out that all of it, everytime that i am with you, You made me wish and still does indeed makes me wish.
Wish for a family of our own, our space, and talking about that with you turns out to be more pleasurable than sex or every other type of physical pleasure.
You make me feel so great that i wouldn't mind, I would stop drinking right away but I still need a way of venting the stress.
But alas, thank you...for everytime, every twist and turn of our existence in this place. Even when I'm insufferably idiotic, you still put up with all of it.
Even when I'm a spoiled brat, you still are with me even when I think that everything is hopeless... thank you for not leaving.
Thank you for being the woman which I want to marry, and also for being the woman that made me able to see stuff from a mature point of view.
I am very grateful, for everything that you've done,even thought you don't know about it, you've helped me in more ways that I can count.
And I will be forever grateful to you, to your way of viewing the stuff with a unholy lot of positivity which I can't even dream of having, thank you.
Palavras aleatórias de uma mente pulsante aleatória(0-20)
PoetryPensamentos da madrugada... Arrependimentos... Mágoas... Conquistas... Derrotas... Tudo que é escrito aqui é extremamente pessoal e pode não fazer sentido depois. Mas no momento em que escrevi pareceu certo. Era o que eu sentia/sinto no momento. E...