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  • Dedicated to The Person Who Killed Me.

"Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them." - Bruce Lee

I hurt you, created the scars,

You bit back, your words were harsh.

The dark clouds are coming,

Lightning; the pain is numbing.

The strike, a blinding, painful flash,

Yet you stand there and you laugh.

Then the fire burns, the scorching flame

Spits; as though it's all just a game.

Perhaps it is a game; that's what you think,

I'm screaming, lost, but then you blink.

I run, away from the lightning and fire,

Soaring in the sky; higher and higher.

But then the dark clouds return, blocking my way,

The scars rip apart my flesh, devouring me like prey.

But I was never meant to fly, only to drown,

Pushed and pushed by you, further down.

I cannot breathe, my life flashing before my eyes,

Cries, lies and friends to despise.

I have achieved nothing, become no-one,

And now there is nowhere I can run.

The murky water is becoming deep,

I drift and close my eyes for a very long sleep.

I no longer struggle, for I am blessed.

A death quick and easy for the depressed.

I begged for forgiveness, mistake after mistake,

But I am thankful because they are the reason I'm no longer awake.

And although I'm to blame for major confusion,

Don't forgive me, because it's all just an illusion.

The illusion is the fake me, the one who caused pain,

So don't forgive me; I don't deserve to remain.

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