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"Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it." - Confucius

She looks at herself in the mirror,

And sighs with the utmost disdain,

She thinks her hair's a mess,

And her figure drives her insane.

She closes her eyes and gets ready,

Not thinking about the way she looks,

She doesn't know she's beautiful,

Because she buries her head in a book.

She journeys to school like most,

Self-consciously patting her hair,

Fiddling with the corners of her shirt,

She's gorgeous, just unaware.

When she gets home from school,

She looks in the mirror a second time,

Not seeing her how pretty she is,

Only seeing what she defines.

She has good friends, like she deserves,

But she doesn't listen well enough,

She thinks they're trying to be nice,

When they smother her with love.

"You're gorgeous, you really are,"

She waves the comment away coolly,

And thinks they're lying, but they're not.

They want her to see her natural beauty.

I don't know how you really think of yourself, but please believe you're beautiful

My Poems: The Story of Your Life? [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now