Stay Close...

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"Sometimes I feel like the last cookie in the cookie jar; broken and alone." - Unknown

I'm stuck between the boundaries

Of not wanting to be afraid and alone

And not wanting my heart to be broken

Again and again, impossible to be sewn

I've been shredded in the past, left by myself

By myself on the cold, stone floor

Don't leave me there like the rest

Don't leave me there begging for more

My heart is just patches attached together

The patches could break easily with one snap

And you, yes you, I'm begging you, yes you

To listen and understand why I'm like that

It only takes one move, one gesture

One sentence, one smile, one word

One person, one love, one thing

To help me feel loved and heard

Will you be the one to help

Will you be the one to care

Would you help, will you care

Will you stand and stay there

Will you be the reason I'm happy

Will you be the reason I won't overdose

There's just one thing, one little thing

Just two words I will whisper: 'stay close'.

A/N: New style here: no punctuation. Usually I'm OCD about that type of thing, but hey, I'm always open to change.

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