Chapter 1) Lost

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"What do we do?" Y/N's mother exclaimed when the broadcasts were discussing the epidemic.

It's been nearly a week since the news started speaking about a virus that causes people to crave human flesh.

"Wait it out. Nothing much we can do from here." Her dad answered.

"Shouldn't we just head home? It's only a twelve hour drive." Bellamy, her twin brother said.

Y/N is twenty. She is a sophomore in college at the University of Florida.

Her and her family were on a vacation to Atlanta when the whole thing started. This trip was one last family gathering before school started back up in late August. Today was supposed to be the day they started their drive back home.

"Maybe we should just stay here. School might get delayed because of this. The roads are probably packed. It would take us two days to get back over the boarder." Y/N pitched in.

"I agree. We should go to the store and try to get some supplies just in case. Who knows if the water and power will get shut off?" Dad said.

That was their first mistake.

The four of them left their hotel room in the middle of the city and made their way towards the local grocery store. They decided it was easier to walk because the roads were too crowded.

When they got to the store, it was a mad house. People everywhere. Food on the floor. Fighting. Robbing. People were losing it.

"Ellise. Keep a close eye on the kids. I'm going to search some aisles." Her dad said, splitting off from the others.

"Be careful Alex." Ellise called after him.

That was the second mistake.

"Mom. What do we do?" Bellamy asked quickly moving out of the way as two men ran out the store with arms full of cans.

"Just stay close." She puts an arm on the backs of both and gently nudges them through the mass of hysteric people.

Y/N glances around the store but can't see her father anywhere. The fighting has picked up and she sees mothers protecting their young kids from the violence.

Just when you think nothing can get worse, a gunshot rings out. Then another. Then another.

It's insanity. People are rushing out of the store in herds. Y/N grabs onto her brothers arm and pushes him down one of the already empty aisles.

This was the third mistake.

She looks back to where they just came but doesn't see her mother. "Mom?" She calls out. No reply.

Screams are echoing throughout the building and then silence. Then, just faintly, growling. Y/N peeks around the aisle they're in and sees it.

A man. No. Not a man. A thing. Rotten flesh is peeling off his face. He has a large chunk of flesh missing on his neck. He limps around, growling.

Y/N gasps and yanks her head back but it's too late. It saw her. It starts creeping towards them.

"Oh god. Oh god. What do we do?" Bellamy starts to panic.

The rotter gets closer and closer until it's less than two feet from the set of twins. It starts to reach out for Y/N and she shuts her eyes not knowing what to do.

Just when she thinks that she's about to be torn apart, a gunshot rings out and the rotter falls to the ground.

Y/N opens her eyes to find a store clerk standing in front of her holding a smoking pistol. "Cmon let's go!"

Without hesitating, Y/N follows the man who just saved their lives. She is led out of the store and onto the hectic street. She glances back expecting to see her brother. He isn't there.

"Wait!" The man who saved her turns around. "My family is still in there!"

Something flashes across his eyes. Sadness? Pity?

"It's too late for them. If we go back in there, we will die."

Y/N takes one look back at the store before turning back to him. Tears swell in her eyes as she grabs onto his hand and they run further down the street.

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