Chapter 3: A tank top battle

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The sun had began raise as the light and warmth from the sun had went through a window this being the window of two of fairy tail guild members that being Yato Rhaegal and Mirajane Strauss.

As the white haired woman had woken up in bed from the light of the sun and had opened up her eyes and sat up wearing her boyfreind shirt and looked to see her boyfreind wasn't in bed and had chuckled as she looked to the front of the bed.

"Moring there darling" Mirajane said as at the front of the bed Yato was doing push ups and looked over at his girlfreind.

"Oh morning to you to you to" Yato said as went back to doing push ups with Mirajane getting up out of bed and walked over to her boyfreind and sat down ontop of his back which didn't even seem to faze him.

"So how did you sleep last night?" Mirajane asked Yato who still was doing push up's with her sitting on his back like it was nothing.

"I sleep alright how did you sleep though you looked very comfy sleeping on my chest" Yato said as he had then switched from two handed to one handed push-up's  as Mirajane simply chuckled.

"What can I say I love sleeping with you" Mirajane said as she had then sat up and stood on her boyfreind back.

"So you got any plans for the day?" Mirajane asked while streching herself while still on her boyfreinds back.

"I plan on going on a mission with Natsu and Lucy to day" Yato said as he then went for a one finger push ups while Mirajane was still standing on his back.

"Really why is that you usally take on jobs by yourself our you relax with me behind the bar" Mirajane said as she had sat back down on top of Yato.

"Well I wanna see what those two are made of and also the master and asked me to keep an eye on Natsu to make sure he dosen't cause anymore damage cause master pockets can't handle another Natsu incedent. Also I got my own nearby job there that I have to go do so yeah I'm basically gonna be babysitting while working" Yato said which made Mirajane laugh.

"Alright that makes one thousand right there" Yato said as he finished doing his morning exercises which he wakes up three hours early .

Yato morning exercises is that of waking up early and then going for a four mile run, then meditating for an hour, then doing one thousand sit up's, one thousand squats, then one thousand push up's.

That is all of Yato morning exercises that he does before Mirajane wakes up.

"So then wanna go take a shower or the hot springs this time?" Mirajane asked as she had gotten up off of her boy freind back as he had stood up.

"Let's use the hot springs this time it's been a while since we have used it so let's go and take a dip" Yato said as the two had walked from out of their bedroom down the hallway and down stairs into the basement of their home.

Mirajane had opended up the basement door showing a long staircase and at the bottom their was a dual side door's and once opened up it showed a beautiful hotspring with a sakura blossom tree all of this being a secret part of the cave that Yato found which was just beautiful.

Mirajane had opended up the basement door showing a long staircase and at the bottom their was a dual side door's and once opened up it showed a beautiful hotspring with a sakura blossom tree all of this being a secret part of the cave that Yato f...

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