Chapter 15: The Human Dragon Vs Execution

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The next morning, Niia woken up and quickly remembered everything that happened  the other day and she smelt something good coming from down stairs which, she walked into the kitchen and had looked to the side to see Mirajane cooking something on the stove.

Which Mirajane looked from the side of her eye to see, Niia had woken up and turned towards the young girl.

"Oh, good morning Niia did you sleep well?" Mirajane asked Niia who nodded her head.

"That's good to hear, well I'm making breakfast would you like some?" Mirajane asked Niia who nodded her head.

"Ok, I'm almost done would you like to help me finish?" Mirajane asked Niia who gave a nod of her head as she went over to help with breakfast.

"Mhh..where is Yato at?" Niia asked Mirajane.

"Oh he's right there" Mirajane said as she had pointed out of the window in front of the two and Niia, saw Yato doing some push-up's while doing a hand stand at the same time like it was nothing to him.

"Wow Yato is really strong" Niia said which made, Mirajane let out that of a small chuckle at the comment.

"Yeah he, is pretty strong" Mirajane said as she had put the last of the food on a plate.

"Thank you for the help, Niia but could you go and tell Yato that the food is ready?" Mirajane asked Niia who nodded her head.

As Niia went outside to go and tell Yato, that breakfast is finished which when she came outside she was quite surprised as she witnessed the snow white haired man unleashed a barrage of fast kicks into the air.

'Wow I wonder what he is training for' Niia thought to herself.

Yato had stopped as he had looked over at, Niia who had just looked at him in shock.

"Oh hey kid, your up Mirajane sent you out here to come get me right?" Yato asked which Niia nodded her head.

"Ok let's get going then" Yato said as both him and Niia went back inside where, Mirajane was finishing setting the table.

With both Niia and Yato sitting at the table with Mirajane with all three starting to eat together.

"So what are we doing today?" Niia asked.

"Today we are going to be looking for members of the revolutionary army, some members of the guild had talked about that their is a revolutionary army. What about you babe I know you have plans of your own" Mirajane said to Yato who finished his steak.

"Yeah, I plan on finding the person called "Zanku the Beheader" he has a bounty on his head and is a former executioner and soilder for the kingdom. I plan on finding him and fighting him and see what information he has and he does seem pretty strong" Yato said.

Niia, simply was in shock at what she had heard and was simply speechless as she thinks about all the rumors of she has heard about Zanku.

"Please mister be safe, many people say Zanku is really really powerful" Niia said with a very worried and concerned voice.

"Niia, could you explain more about this "Zanku the Beheader" you sound really worried" Mirajane said.

"I'm sorry if I sound like I'm doubting you, but I've heard rumors about how strong Zaku really is and some even say he has an ability that allows him to see into the future that's how those who face him never return" Niia said very worried.

"I see, that makes it even a bit more excited but I've got to see this guys to see if these rumors are true or not as that is what a rumor is a rumor until proven wrong or right" Yato said.

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