Chapter 7: A Golden ball and mustache with some news

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Yato now was currently walking through that of a small town having a job to take down that of a gang of bandits but he also had another job to take down two certaint people that had caused some issues in a nearby village.

So now Yato after a few hours of walking had arrived in town and had began walking around towan to gather some infromation while thinking to himself.

'What should I have for dinner later?' Yato thought to himself as he walked down a street filled with people.

As Yato had taken on a job to take down a mercenary named "golden ball" who has been going into guilds and taking peoples jobs and getting the money.

Yato didn't really care about the money he wanted to meet these two famous mercenaries who haven't done anything really wrong actually doing some jobs from other guilds better then the guild members could.

With Yato hearing a lot about these two mercenaries from a member within the guild.


Inside of the fairy tail guild Yato could now be seen trying to pick between two job's he has been requested and Mirajane is currently helping him pick on which one he would take on for the day.

"Well how about we do what we usually do?" Mirajane asked as she had then pulled out a empty glass bottle and put it in the middle between that of all of Yato's other jobs.

"Alright then spin it" Yato said as he had then flicked the tip of the bottle making it spin very fast at which it landed on that of a mission finding and taking down that of two mercenaries.

At which Yato had then picked up the job flier and looked over it "hmmm these two mercenaries seem intresting" he said.

As then a young woman with long, straight green hair that reaches down to her lower back, and a set of long bangs framing her face. She has brownish purple eyes had walked past Yato this being Bisca Mulan.

With Bisca being a member of Fairy Tail and also is know for being a sharp shooter and for being one out of two people in the guild for having "Gun Magic" which the Magic's name implies, the user loads their Magic Guns and fires Magic bullets. The bullets can vary from normal bullets to any other type of bullets and can also augment bullets to deliver greater impact.

"Oh is that "Golden Ball" and that mustache guy jeez I thought those guys were done doing this sort of stuff" Bisca said which caught Yato attention.

"Wait you know about these two mercenaries?" Yato asked Bisca.

"Yeah I had meet the two a while back during a sniper competition and I heard about those two and taking on other jobs from low and not that many known guilds and I thought they had stopped but it seems I was wrong" Bisca said.

"Do you know anything else about these two?" Yato asked Bisca.

"No not really but I do remeber that they stay in this town often and even told me their favorite bar let me grab a peice of paper to give you the town name" Bisca said as she went to grab a peice of paper.

As Yato had then looked back over at Mirajane who had as smile on her face.

"I guess that I'm taking down two mercenaries" Yato said to Mirajane who had then just procceded to grab him by his face and then kissed him on his lips.

"I'll then see you when you get back home" Mirajane said as she had kissed Yato once again as they would always do this before they would leave off for a mission which many would see as the other reminding each other who they are looking foward to seeing once they get back.

Which both Yato and Mirajane had done ever since they had gotten together and many who saw the two would think they were a married couple even though thyer weren't.

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