Chapter 18: The Game Plan

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"Dad?!" Oliva yelled out surprised in what he saw in front of him.

"Oliva?!" Lucas yelled out, in surprise of seeing his son.

"Lucas, like I asked again what are you doing here?" Sora asked as she lowered her gun.

"I'm here for our son, he doesn't need to be around you" Lucas said to Sora who simply rolled her eyes.

"Oh can you stop that already, because if I remember we were the one's who started the army together and now that Oliva is here you want to stop....Jeez why do I still love you?" Sora questioned.

"Ok....can someone explain to me what the, hell is going on?!" Niia asked looking at everyone.

"She's right, let's go inside because if were just gonna talk let's at least do it while we are eating" Yato said which everyone agreed to.

Which while walking back to base, there as a lot of tension between both Lucas and Sora as they were walking.

"So should we talk about the fact, that both of my parents are the founder's of the wanted revolutionary army?!" Oliva asked, out loud which made both his parent's look at one another and decided to speak up.

"Alright, then to clear everything up first me and your father meet in the past when we were in the military academy, we both climb the ranks at a faster rate then any other person" Sora said.

"Which after a mission, I made a bet with your mother if I survive I'll get to go on a date with her which I did and took her out, some day's later we officially started dating and quickly climbed the ranks of general but it was this one mission that made us see how truly corrupt the kingdom had become" Lucas said.

"This mission, was that of an assault of a part of the kingdom districts which once we arrived and assessed the damage we saw that it was nothing but innocent lives who simply had tried to survive and they....were just children" Sora said as she remembered what happend.

Which Lucas had then walked over to his wife, placing his hand on her shoulder as he knows what happened that day.

"After that day, we faked our deaths and started up the revolutionary army left which months later we would go onto have you, Oliva and your father here....had decided to put leading to the side....while I ran everything. I'm sorry, that I missed a lot of your childhood" Sora said.

"N-No mother it's fine, I might not be old enough but I know that what you are doing is to make sure that kid's my age will never have to go through anything that those in lesser districts have to go through. I also know where dad is coming from as well, I'm his one and only child so I know you want to protect me but I'm on mom side, the revolutionary army is now closer then ever to actually fixing things up for the kingdom and making things finally right" Oliva said.

Which made Lucas, smile at his son.

"Dang kid, when did you grow up so fast?" Yato questioned.

"I guess I got it, from my parents" Oliva said, this making both his parents smiled at their son.

"So then Lucas, what will you do next?" Yato asked Lucas, who had began thinking then spoke up.

" the beginning, I simply was just trying to keep you safe Oliva but now that we are this close, if my help will be able to benefit more and bring this long war to an end I'll join...if you don't mind Sora" Lucas said to his wife who let out an annoyed sigh.

"Of course you can come back you idiot, this was founded by the both of us so it only be fitting to have you back when we end it" Sora said.

"Thank you" Lucas said.

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