Chapter 21: New Guild And Two Verses One

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Both Yato and Mirajane had after a few day's of being at sea, returned back home to Magnolia which once they had gotten back to they Fairy Tail guild the new hall was finally made and done which it actually looked pretty good.

Both Yato and Mirajane had after a few day's of being at sea, returned back home to Magnolia which once they had gotten back to they Fairy Tail guild the new hall was finally made and done which it actually looked pretty good

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"It isn't that bad" Yato said looking at the newly built guild hall.

"Hmmm, I think it looks like the way I had drew it" Mirajane said as she had then taken her drawing of what she thought the guild would look like, which actually looked like a kid had drwn.

"Babe I love you, but we've got to work on your drawing skills" Yato said which made Mirajane pout out a bit but the two went inside the guild, see the new features of the guild which one being that the guild now have some waitresses, a pool behind the bar, downstairs an amusement  center and the biggest difference being anyone could enter the second floor but still need to be an S-class mage to take on one of the S-rank jobs.

"I must say, this place isn't that bad, it kind of needed that of a makeover" Yato said as he began walking around the guild with Mirajane who were both saying hello to everyone.

Which the guild master, Makarov had came over to the two.

"Oh Yato and Mirajane I'm glad to see the both of you are back and safe, was the mission diffuclt?" Makarov asked.

"No not really, I'd honestly say it was pretty easy. Also I can, smell that you have recruited two more people into the guild one water the other wait an Iron dragon. It's Gajeel and Juvia isn't it? " Yato asked as he had let out a yawn.

"Well here I was about to surprise you two but, still I forget that nothing can get past that nose of yours" Makarov said to Yato as he had looked over to see both Gajeel and Juvia.

With Gajeel Redfox having a black Fairy Tail mark is located on his left arm, just below his shoulder. While Juvia Lockser has her Fairy Tail mark above her left thigh, the color being blue.

Gajeel just stared at Yato who looked back over at him, which then the snow white haired young man had then grinned.

"Gajeel I know you want to fight me, but I suggest you wait a bit longer until Natsu comes. I want to fight the two of you at the same time to see what the both of you are made of but at any moment you want you can try to attack me. Just know I'll knock you the hell out" Yato said as he had began walking past the Iron dragon Slayer.

Which Gajeel taking this chance, spun around quickly using his magic.

"Iron Dragon's Sword!" Gajeel yelled out as he had then transforms his arm into jagged steel blade, similarly to Iron Dragon's Club, but, rather than blunt power, this spell has cutting power, thereby making it deadlier. The spikes along the blade's edge make its slashes more painful and dangerous, and the weapon's length can be increased to reach enemies who are far away from the Iron Dragon slayer.

Yet before Gajeel eyes his transformed arm went clean through Yato, who in reality moved so fast to the point he had left behind that of an afterimage.

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