Chapter 8: Going to an island of demons

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The sun had began to rising and the light had went through the window of the master bedroom of the cave both Yato and Mirajane live in.

As the sun light had went down onto the king sized bed and had showed Mirajane laying ontop of Yato the two being very naked under the covers.

Which it is shown that Yato is awake looking down at Mirajane who is asleep on his chest letting her hair down this is something that is quite natrual for the two.

Mirajane had began waking up and had began moving as she opened her eyes and then looked up to see Yato is looking down at her as she had then smiled back up at her lover.

"What's wrong with you?" Yato asked Mirajane who is smiling at him as she looked up at him as he looked back down at her as she had chuckled.

"Oh it's nothing I just like looking at you" Mirajane said smilling at Yato who just looked down at her as she had gotten up close to him and kissed him on his lips.

"So are you feeling better now from the other day?" Yato asked Mirajane not understanding until she had finally remembered what happend and when she had gotten mad at Laxus because he had allowed Happy to one of the S-class job's.

"Yeah I was really mad but I'm calmed down now what about you?" Mirajane asked as she placed her ear onto Yato chest wanting to hear his heartbeat.

"I'm better know and I'm still a bit mad about my job being taking but knowing Gray he might not beable to bring back Natsu so I'll most likely have to go and get them while Erza has to join as well" Yato said.

"Well just try and keep them safe" Mirajane said with a smile as she kissed his cheek.

"I'll bring them back and I'll let Erza decided their punishment" Yato said as he ad then procceded to grab on one of Mirajane on her waist and sit up as she had then wrapped her arms around his neck.

As the two had began making out for a few minutes as then after a while they had broken away from the kiss as Mirajane smiled at Yato who just grinned at her.

"Just make sure Erza doesn't really hurt them" Mirajane said which Yato had let out a sigh at what his lover had told of him.

"I'll right but I can't make any promises" Yato said as he had then sat up and had began getting ready as well as Mirajane the two taking a bath and had breakfeast together after which they went to the guild.

As Yato had walked over to Erza who was waiting for him to arrive so they can head out together while Mirajane had walked over to the bar to take care of it.

"Alright then let's go get those idiots" Yato said to Erza who nooded her head.

Yato then walked over to Mirajane to talk to her.

"Alright then Mirajane we are heading out to go and get those idiots well be right back" Yato said to Mirajane.

"Ok then stay safe" Mirajane said as the two had then kissed after so both Yato and Erza had left the guild and had made their to the town docks to get a boat to head to the island where Natsu, Lucy, Happy, and Gray could be at.

Yato had leaned back against the boat and put his hoodie over his head covering the sun light from his eye's as unlike Natsu he is able to casually to go through being on any type of vehicle without getting any type of motion sickness.

"Alright then Erza I'm gonna take a nap try not to knock anyone out if you don't understand anything" Yato said as he had closed his eyes.

"I've never done that before" Erza said not really remebering the time that she knocked out a few people when she took Natsu, Lucy, Happy and Gray on a mission with her.

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