Chapter 17: Some Great Reveals

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"Mom!" Oliva yelled out as he had run over to his mother and had hugged her.

As the silver haired purple eyed woman name is, Sora Asuka both the mother of Oliva and the head leader of the revolutionary army.

"Oliva, my son I've missed you so dearly!" Sora said as she had then pulled her son back and looked at his face and had began tearing up looking at her son.

"Mom I've missed you so much" Oliva said to his mother, as Yato had began walking forward from off of the ruin arena and up to the mother and son.

"So you must be, the leader of the revolutionary army, I'm I correct?" Yato asked, as he had looked at the woman who just from the look alone can tell that she is a very strong woman.

With Sora carrying, that of a huge rifle-type weapon which seems to weigh a lot and yet she is easily carrying it as if it weighed a simply feather.

"That is correct and you must be Yato Rhaegal and that young lady over there must be Mirajane Strauss" Sora said which Yato nodded.

"I did plan on seeking out a member of fairy tail to help, so having you two here is very nice but my I ask who had brought you here?" Sora asked.

"Well ask your son friend over there, she is the one who had by herself " Yato said as he had pointed behind of him over to Niia and Mirajane.

"Yeah it's true mom, Niia went out of the kingdom to Magnolia and brought back Yato and Mirajane to help you and your friends" Oliva said to his mother, who looked over at Niia who is next to Mirajane.

"Well that girl right there is truly brave, I would have never thought a child would have been the one to bring you into all of this" Sora said.

"Yeah your right, but I've got a feeling your not only here to see your son" Yato said.

"Yes, you are correct, I was waiting for my comrades to come and after waiting a few seconds I could tell something was off so I had scouted out and heard some fighting over here and saw you about to land an attack on one of my commanders" Sora said.

"I see so, should we get going am pretty sure that you still have got some people waiting for you am I correct?" Yato asked.

"Yes, that's true so I think we should get going" Sora said.

"Alright, then let's get going where is this place of yours?" Yato asked Sora.

"It's not that far we should arrive by night" Sora said.

"Ok, then let's get going everyone. Wait Oliva, aren't you going to head back home?" Yato asked Oliva who quickly shook his head.

"No I'm gonna stay with my mom, I haven't seen her in months I don't want to leave her side again" Oliva said which made his mother tear up a bit at what her son just said.

As Sora has had to make many sacrifices being the head and leader of the revolutionary army, being her comrades, her bonds, time with her husband, and time with her son which hurt her the most.

Yet, Sora knows deep down in her heart that it will be worth all the sacrifices she made to bring back the kingdom that she had grew up in and will truly help her son live a good life in a place where he truly feels safe.

"Alright then, guy's let's get going" Yato said as he had looked over at Mirajane and Niia with Emi and her stealth squad as they all had left the ruins of the arena which is even more messed up after the previous sparing match.

As everyone had then left ruins heading towards the headquarter of the revolutionary army which is located on a island off by the kingdom, which is seen as the most dangerous island that is filled to the brim with monsters which is the main reason the kingdoms had left it alone.

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