Chapter 6: A fight and arrest

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Yato now had woken up in bed and like always he had found his lover Mirajane ontop of him once again as he had simply gave her a kiss on her forehead.

"Hey Mirajane are you gonna let me exercises?" Yato asked only to earn a groan from her as the white haired boy simply had sat up with Mirajane still on him as he had then put her on his back laying down on his back.

With Yato then starting his moring exercises as after doing the sixtieth push up Mirajane had let out a yawn showing she was now awake.

"Morning Darling" Mirajane said as she had sat up while Yato still continues onto do some push ups while doing some pushups.

"Morning to you as well how did you sleep last night?" Yato asked as he began now entering into that of his sixth hundredth push up.

"I slept good but I gotta ask? Are you really plan on taking on Natsu in a fight?" Mirajane asked as she had then began fixing up her hair up in the front.

"Well I did promise him a fight" Yato said as he continued his push up.

"I still remember those days when we were younger and Natsu would always challenge you after you came back from a job. When was the last time you two had fight each other?" Mirajane asked.

"Oh I think that of a year agoand I have decided to let him get stronger. And now that a year has finally passed I want to see if he has truly gotten stronger" Yato said as he doesn't say it but he does get often annoyed when Natsu were to keep on bothering him and challanging him.

So since last year both Yato and Natsu have not fought each other and hopefully this time the pink haired mage has gotten stronger and made some progress.

Since Yato has also done his own trainning getting stronger over time as well as has been trainning not wanting to slack on getting stronger himself as it was just something built into him since he was younger.

This being just because it is a time of peace it doesn't mean that you should lack in your training and lack in getting stronger and this being taught to Yato by his father.

As Yato had then finished doing his push-up's and Mirajane had then sat up and gotten off of her lovers back allowing him to stand up and the start stretching.

"So do you think he has gotten better?" Yato asked as he creaked his neck and walked into the bathroom to brush his teeth.

"You mean Natus? Well it has been over a year since the two of you fought each other and he has taken more jobs on recently he has gotten a bit stronger......still you have gotten stringer as well often taking jobs that would take some of the S-rank mages weeks to finish while you finish in usually a day or two" Mirajane said as she had began undressing and getting into the shower.

As what Mirajane said was very much true as an S-rank mage are elite members of a guild, and usually number among the most powerful individuals in the guild itself. Only officially recognized S-Class Mages are able to undertake difficult S-Class jobs. The job's that S-class mages take on woudl often last for a long time but Yato is capable of completing these jobs by himself without any issue.

After a while both Yato and Mirajane had finally gotten changed and then left their home walking down a path through the forest and into town while talking to each other.

"So what do you think about Natsu, Happy, and Lucy working together?" Mirajabe asked Yato who was just walking with his hands in his pocket.

"To be honset Natsu and Happy are just chaos by themselves but adding on Lucy it just seems that they attract danger" Yato said as he had a small grin on his face which Mirajane noticed.

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