Chapter 10: War And Assault On Phantom

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"Darling are you sure?" Mirajane asked Yato who had then tossed the meatal to the side that he had picked up.

"I'm postive my nose has never once lied to me the person who did this to our guild has a familiar magic to both me and Natus" Yato said to Mirajane who is a bit in shock.

"What should we do for now?" Mirajane asked Yato who had shrugged his shoulders to his girlfreind.

"Well it seem's the master doesn't want to do anything right now and also they haven't attacked anyone yet in our guild also I don't have anything to do as well so for now we could just relax" Yato said to Mirajane.

"That's alright with me as well as long as everyone is alright and safe that's all that really matter's" Mirajane said happy that nobody at the fairy taill guild got hurt from this.

"Alright then you wanna go and head home now?" Yato asked Mirajane.

"Yeah let's get going home I don't wanna see the guild like these" Mirajane said as Yato nodded his head and agreed.

As Yato had then gotten down infront of Mirajane who already understood what her boyfriend is doing as she had gotten onto his back.

With Yato carrying Mirajane back to their home on his back which he knew she enjoyed alot when he carried her on his back as she had her chin on his shoulder and began talking to him.

"So how was the job on the island of demons? Was it hard?" Mirajane asked Yato who is still carrying her on his back.

"It really wasn't that hard just annoying to have to help Gray deal with an old childhood issue but either than that it wasn't really that bad" Yato said as he began explaining the mission which made Mirajane chuckle at what she heard.

"Well atleast you guys came back alive and that's all that matters" Mirajane said to Yato as the two made their way back home together with the two explaining about one another day and what they have been doing.

Once both Yato and Mirajane had gotten back home he had made his way over to the hot springs and had took off his clothes and had then walked into the warm gigantic bath and felt his muscles relax.

With Yato going into the middle of the hot spings and closed his eyes hearing the leaf's of the cherry blossom tree that had been grown in the caves since even before he moved in and only grew from the light that came down from the sky through the bottom.

Yato had took a breath and let it out as he could sense as someone very familiar enter the room as he simply smiled as he had then heard the water shift.

Which then Mirajane had then wrapped her arms around Yato as he had stood up which she had then let go and at which he had turned around and then lifted her up by her thighs as she had then wrapped her leg's around her waist and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"What's wrong?" Yato asked Mirajane who just smiled at him as he smiled back at her as the two procceded to make out with each other and clean each other as well.

Later on in the night after dinner both Yato and Mirajane could be seen in there room just getting ready for bed.

With Mirajane weairng her usual night time outfit that being one of Yato's white shirts and some black short as she laid down in the bed and had undid her ponytail which allowed her hair in the front to fall down on her forhead.

While Yato on the other had is shirtless and wearing some black gym shorts like Mirajane as he had walked over to the bed.

Which Yato had then proceeded to get in his position in bed and Mirajane had gotten onto him placing her head on his chest.

Fairy tail: The Son Of Destruction (OC x Mirajane)Where stories live. Discover now