Chapter 9: End of and island and return to iron

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Yato had watched as the light had shinned down onto the demon incased in ice but he could quickly see and sense something was off about this.

'Just as I thought then' Yato thought to himself as he had then looked to the side and had saw as Natsu, Gray, and Lyon come crashing down through the top.

With Lyon being really beaten up yet still crawiling towards the now free demon.

"The only monster....that Ur couldn't deafeat....I will deafeat you with my own hands...right now" Lyon said as he started to get up shaking from his injuries.

"I...will surpass!" Lyon had then been knocked out by Gray who had chopped him in the back of the neck.

"That's enough, Lyon. Leave it to me" Gray said.

With Yato watching as Gray had then walked foward toward the now un-frozen Deliora which the demon creature had yet to move yet.

At which then Gray had then proceded to hit the same stance as before.

"I'll seal Deliora!!!!" Gray yelled out which Yato had then let out a sigh of annoyance as Natsu had began yelling at the ice mage.

"This is the only way. This is...the only way to stop it now" Gray said at which then Natsu had stepped foward infront of Gray.

"I'll fight it" Natsu said.

"Move your in the way!!!!" Gray yelled out at Natsu who had looked at his best freind.

"I stopped you earlier because I didn't want you to die. Didn't my voice reach you?" Natsu asked Gray who looked suprised at what he heard and stopped what he was doing.

"Go ahead and use the spell if you wan-!" Natsu had then been cutt off as he had then been kicked from behind and sent flying into the ice mage.

"Jeez you guy's are idots" Yato said as both Natsu and Gray had looked at their white haired freind as Deliora arm had procceded to start moving and went to strike at the white haired martial artist.

"Yato look out behind you!" Gray yelled out but Yato didn't even seem slightly fazed as he had then spoken up.

"If you two were smart enough you would already long by now that Deliora had died a long time ago" Yato said as then the fist of the demon had then crumbled away before it even landed on him.

"Gray your master had long since deafeated this monster there honestly was no point in this" Yato said as he had then watched as the demon Deliora had bursted into dust as then tears had began doing down both Gray and Lyon eyes

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"Gray your master had long since deafeated this monster there honestly was no point in this" Yato said as he had then watched as the demon Deliora had bursted into dust as then tears had began doing down both Gray and Lyon eyes.

"Drliora had died a long time ago" Yato said as the destroyed demon had crumbled away.

"Drliora had died a long time ago" Yato said as the destroyed demon had crumbled away

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