Chapter 4: The return of the armor mage

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Yato now was now sitting down at the bar with Mirajane as they noticed Lucy at the quest board looking for some jobs.

"Lucy let me know if you have any trouble looking for a job since the master isn't here" Mirajane said.

"Oh yeah where is the master at?" Lucy asked as she noticed he was gone and not in his usual spot.

"Yeah he had to go and attended the regular meeting so he'll be gone for a while" Mirajane said.

"Regular meeting?" Lucy asked not understanding.

"I thought Natsu would have told you but I forget that he is just a flame eating idiot. The meeting that the master had went to is masters from different guilds gather and report about other guilds" Yato said as he looked over at Lucy.

"Let me break it down for you Reedus can I borrow you light pen please?" Mirajane asked Reedus Jonah who is the user of Pict Magic which is a type of Magic which allows the user to create drawings and use them in various ways. Pict Magic requires certain tools in order to use the Magic, the tools being a paint brush, paint, and a canvas to draw on.

As Mirajne used the light pen to drawn down an example and explain it to Lucy.


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"We''s quite a hard job to do" Mirajane said.

"I had no idea that each guild has a connection with one another" Lucy said suprised from what Mirajane had told her.

"Connections between guilds are important if you neglect know" Mirajane said as Natsu had sneaked up behind the blonde girl.

"Jeez Natsu don't scare me like that!" Lucy yelled at the pink haired mage

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"Jeez Natsu don't scare me like that!" Lucy yelled at the pink haired mage.

"But Natsu isn't lying Guilds like that very much exists" Yato said as he had took a sip of his water from his cup that was compared to that of a gallon.

"We call whatever guild that doesn't belong to the league, a "Dark Guild"...." Mirajane said.

"They don't the law, so they're scary" Natsu said.

"I geuss they'll come and recruit you one day, then" Lucy said to Natsu as they began talking about going on a job together.

As this conversation turned into a full on battle with Natsu and Gray getting into their usual fights as the ice mage had asked lucy if she wanted to form a team together with him which started the fight with Natsu.

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