Chapter 13: An Issue And New Job Plus Date

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Yato, currently now could be seen walking towards the Fairy Taill guild that is starting to be rebuilt.

Which both Yato and Mirajane had gotten onto a new morning schedule that the two had started just a week ago.

With Yato, still doing his usual morning work routine while Mirajane would do some yoga stretching and yoga exercises.

As after a while both Yato and Mirajane had arrived at the Fairy Tail Guild which is only partially rebuilt so now that means after a while that they can start posting jobs quest.

Yato had began helping Mirajane set up the guild and putting quests up on the board together.

"So, how have you been feeling recently?" Yato asked Mirajane who looked over at her boyfriend.

"Oh am fine, I simply just want to help you and the guild that's all" Mirajane said which made Yato give her a raise eyebrow.

As Mirajane simply let out that of a sigh and looked over at Yato who was still looking back at her.

"You know me to well....the truth is a that I felt so useless during the whole thing with phantom and I couldn't even do something as simple as keeping Lucy safe" Mirajane said looking down as she clenched her fist.

"I just....I-?!" Mirajane didn't even get to finish as she had been hugged by Yato, who had held her close to his chest.

"Mirajane your are far from useless and we both know it and I've already told you that you had lost and been through something that nobody will blame you for. So please just do me a favor" Yato had then looked Mirajne in her eyes looking at her showing her that he truly cares for her.

"Don't you ever say you are useless because your not. You are the one and will always be the one and only person who I will always and forever love. You are Mirajane Strauss the love of my life and the one woman who my heart will always belong to" Yato said to Mirajane who smiled at him.

"And my heart will always belong to you as well Yato and it will always and forever belong to you not matter what" Mirajane said to Yato as she smiled at him and the two had a small kiss on the lips after which they had went back to setting up.

After a while other guild memebers had arrived and Mirajane, had announced to the fact that the jobs are back up on the board alonging the guild members to start making some money.

While, everyone was going over and talking about what they plan on doing Yato was talking with Mirajane until a table had been sent flying.

"HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT!!!" Erza yelled out as everyone looked to see the red haired mage confronting laxus who just returned and already causing issues.

"HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT!!!" Erza yelled out as everyone looked to see the red haired mage confronting laxus who just returned and already causing issues

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"You bastard...." Erza said as she gripped her fist angered at the comments of Luxus who is still very much smug.

Which Luxus had started to talk bad about each member of the Fairy Tail which Mirajane had looked and noticed how Yato is slowly getting more and more annoyed.

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