Chapter 20: The True Ruler

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Currently right now within the castle Mirajane could now be seen running through the hallway's with Niia, Oliva, and Sora.

"Hmmm, It seems that thing's outside are starting to wrap up then best we do the same thing on our end" Sora said as they continued running.

At which then a group of soldiers had came down the hall, at which then Sora aimed her powerful firearm and pulled the trigger at which her firearm had released a powerful blast of magic which instantly had taken down the group of guards.

"Wow that gun is amazing!" Oliva said to his mother while running, as they still very much are on a mission to reclaim the throne.

"I know right it's name is, Pumpkin it's a gun that my teacher gave this to me before she passed away" Sora said as what she said is very much true.

As only a handful of people know but Sora had grown up in the poorest part of the kingdom, which in that district only the strong survive which one day she had came across that of a general who had came on a mission and caught the eye of the elite solider.

Which this general had taken in Sora and raised her as her own daughter, which at the end of her life she left behind that of her powerful rifle pumpkin.

With pumpkin being, rifle which has a case with different parts in it, which could be detached and attached to modify Pumpkin. Pumpkin uses spiritual energy as its ammunition and fires it in a concentrated shockwave. One of its main properties is that its power and range increased in proportion to the level of danger its user was in. No ammunition was needed to load Pumpkin. It was capable of rapid-fire burst shots of spirit energy and had a detachable, high-tech scouter in a compartment that fits around the user's eye. It also had a scope for sniping.

In addition, Pumpkin get's stronger the more danger but like anything this weapon has a weakness that being, overheating so if not careful the firearm could overheat making it impossible to use.

Which quickly Niia had saw a group of four knight ahead of them, feeling something off just looking at the four.

"Get down!" Sora yelled as she had pushed the three to the side, as a huge blast of fire came out of the hallway.

"Dang it I shouldn't be surprised, the four knights are here" Sora said as she had let out a sigh.

"The four knight's? Who are they?" Niia asked not knowing who these four people are.

"They are called "Four Elemental Knights" a four member unit, comprised of four members of the army who have risen up the ranks at an extreme speed and each we're given a very powerful sword. These swords each contain, a certain element that can be used in a fight" Sora said as she began thinking.

"Well is there any way, we can actually beat them?" Oliva asked his mother who had quickly fixed herself.

"No I'll deal with them, Mirajane you get Niia to the throne ok. I'll handle these four just go and get that sword" Sora said looking at Niia who had given her a nod.

"Ok I understand but how are we supposed to get past, the four knights?" Oliva asked which Sora had then aimed at the wall behind of them and pulled the trigger letting off of a blast completely destroying the wall.

"There you go, the throne room shouldn't be that far from here. Now go!" Sora yelled out with the three quickly leaving through the new exit that was made.

"Don't you dare lose mom!" Oliva yelled out.

"I won't, cause I'll win!" Sora yelled out making sure her son could hear her.

While Sora had then quickly turned to the side, already having a goal and plan to get this fight quickly over and finished with as she had jumped from the side and blasted the ground underneath both her and the knights causing them to fall down into the catacombs underneath the castle.

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