Chapter 11: End Of Phantom

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Yato had looked infront of him at the gigantic moving guild of phantom which didn't even bother him.

"I see so you managed to save your guild, I must say I am impressed with you Yato but this isn't the end. Hand over Lucy Heartfillia right now!" Jose yelled out from the speakers of six legged walking guild.

At which the members of Fairy Tail had began yelling out and refusing to give up another member of their guild.

With Yato had then began laughing out loud catching everyone attention as the white haired martial artists.

"You got to be crazy or just straight dumb if you really think we would give up one of our own to someone like you, who couldn't even beat our guild master in a fair one on one so why would we give up one of our own to a coward like you!" Yato yelled out as he procceded to raise his middle finger and grinned knowing Jose could see.

Which Jose being inraged had unleashed his soilders out of the guild and decided on using Jupiter cannon once again which us going to need time to chagre up.

"Natsu go and take care of the cannon while Erza you will deal with the soilders" Yato said as he had then turned around and looked at the rest of the guild members of fairy tail and let out a sigh.

"Alright then those who are confident that they can fight off some of the soilders you are welcome to join in on the fight. Those who don't want to and feel like they will get in the way the protect the town!" Yato yelled out giving orders which he often doesn't do.

"Right!" Natsu yelled out as Happy had jumped onto the pink haired dragon slayer back and manifested wings then had went flying into the cannon.

"Alright then everybody do what Yato said!" Erza yelled out which many of the guild members had began doing what they could do for the moment.

While Yato himself had went off to sneak into the walking guild to take down phantom guild head master.

Which Yato had easily managed to get onto the phantom guild by following from where Jose soilders had came out from which he had went through and while doing so he had taken down that of a few soilders that he had came across.

As Yato had gotten into the way the soilders of phantom guild had the came across the rest of the soilders that worked unde Jose.

With Yato smiling as he had then cracked his knuckles.

"Alirght then who's first?" Yato asked as he had the rushed at the entire group of Jose soilders who rushed back at the snow white haired man.

Which Yato while fighting the group of hundred's of soilders he could sense the other fight's going on throughout the building which meant he couldn't enjoy the fight but still he could sense Elfman overcome his trama and saving Mirajane, Gray defeating a water mage, and Natsu also taking care of the cannon.

Which even with the cannon destroyed it didn't stop Jose who had transformed the phantom guild into that of some sort of robot that was heading to destroy the fairy tail guild hall.


As, after a few minutes things have changed with Gajeel the iron dragon slayer managing to capture Lucy once again and now Natsu went to rescure her.

Which inside of the hallway of the phantom guild hall that was now a robot Mirajane, Elfman, Erza and Gray were making their way throughout the now transformed enemy guild.

"Come guy's we have got to get going and stop this thi-!" Erza had then stopped and so did th other's as they could feel the cold and chilling approching them as they had stopped and heard footseps.

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