Chapter 16: A Sparing Match With A Teleporter

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The next day, Yato could be seen walking with both Mirajane and Niia all three heading into the kingdom as their goal for today was to meet the head leader of the revolutionary army.

"So your telling me, your friend mom his the leader?" Yato asked Niia who gave a quick nod of her head.

"Yeah, I mean the way she carried her self and the owner of the library was talking about how she is starting revolutions and riots so that a major point, also some cloaked figure came out of nowhere and had began talking what you causing chaos" Mirajane said.

"So we are gonna talk to, your friends dad about his wife?" Yato asked.

"Basically" Mirajane said as they continued walking down a path into the kingdom.

"Alright, hopefully this is simple and we don't have to go through anything else" Yato said as the three had then had arrived into the kingdom.

Which Yato due to having a bounty on his head, he had to to wear that of a cloak that would cover his face which he didn't mind.

As the three had arrived at the library, which was actually empty once they had arrived in the building Niia had quickly went off to look for her friend.

"Hey Oliva you here?!" Niia asked out loud looking for her friend.

"Oh I'm over here, Niia!" a voice yelled out as, Niia quickly rushed over to where the voice came from which Yato and Mirajane followed behind.

With Yato and Mirajane turning to the side to see, Nina and some boy who has raven black hair and around her age and both of them just hugging one another.

"Oh my gosh, Niia I had been looking for you! Where have you been at?!" the young boy asked.

"I had to get someone who could, help fix this place once and for all I had managed to bring him!" Niia cried out.

"Wait you really mean it?!" the young boy asked, as Niia gave him a quick nod as she had pointed over to Yato and Mirajane who were watching the entire time.

This young boy being, Oliva the son of the library owner and the supposed child of the head of the revolutionary army.

"Are you really him, the "Human Dragon" are you here to help us?" Oliva asked Yato who scratched his head.

"Yeah, I'm here to help you with my girlfriend help" Yato said as he had pointed over at Mirajane who had waved her hand saying hello.

"So Oliva, can you tell us where your mother is at?" Mirajane asked Oliva who shook his heads.

"Sorry but I don't know where my mother is, I haven't seen her in a while also my dad doesn't really talk about her but I think she has some stuff at home" Oliva said.

"If you can, but can you take us with you to your home?" Niia asked Oliva who had then looked over at both Yato and Mirajane the two people, who might truly give the kingdom he cares so deeply about a chance to be fixed and saved.

"Ok if it help's then, I'll take you guy's to my place" Oliva said which Niia, quickly hugged her friend which caused the young boy to blush catching the attention of Mirajane who had noticed the blush on the young boy face.

"Alright then, let's get going then my house isn't that far" Oliva said as the four had then left the library.

With the four arriving, outside of the kingdom and arrived at that of a very nice house which they went inside and Oliva went off to go and find something of his mother that they could use.

As Yato with Mirajane and Niia had stood in the middle of the hallway to the front door, looking around the snow white haired young man had saw some framed pictures on the wall.

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