Chapter 12: Pleasure And Warning

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Yato currently now is doing his usal morning exercises and while doing so he had noticed as Mirajane instead of usually sitting on his back she had then began doing some exercies of her own.

"You alright there Mirajane?" Yato asked Mirajane who is doing some stretching and doing some yoga at this point.

"I'm fine just doing some of my own exercises I want to stay in shape" Mirajane said which Yato could easily tell that she was lying.

As after everything that happend with the Phantom guild, Mirajane felt mad about her being so powerless to help and even though she didn't admit it Yato could tell how she felt.

"Well I would say ypu got a nice form" Yato said complementing Mirajane as she had bended down while stretching which allowed him to get a clear veiw of her nice plump rear end.

As Yato had finished his workout and had walked over to Mirajane from behind while she was still stretching.

With Mirajane then felling a pair of familiar hands on her waist, this made her smile as she knew these pair of hands on her waist belonged to Yato.

Mirajane had streched up and turned around looking at Yato and had procceded to wrap her arms around the back of his neck.

"You know something Mirajane, you are even more beautiful since the day we had meet" Yato said to Mirajane who smiled at him.

"You say that everyday babe" Mirajane said to Yato.

"I will say it everyday" Yato said as he had kissed Mirajane on her lips which the two had began having a full on make out session.

With Yato then lifting up Mirajane by her thighs which she had then wrapped her legs around his waist while the two still continued to make out.

After a while the two had broke from the kiss which while Mirajane had started to catch her breath Yato had went to start and kissing her neck.

Mirajane began letting out a moan as she felt Yato kiss her neck knowing which area to kiss and suck on her neck, that would give her the most pleasure.

Mirajane had felt as Yato had began now licking on her neck while he had also began grabbing on her nice plump butt cheeks and began gripping on them which had sent pleasure throughout her body.

As Yato had then laided back down in the bed as they had a full blown make out session once again with Mirajane starting to take off her shirt that she had on expsoing her voluptus figure and breasts.

Which Yato with out any hesitation had began sucking on Mirajane right breast nipple while using his right hand still on her butt cheek, while his left hend was gropping and playing with her left breast.

Mirajane was exprincing so much pleasure to the point she didn't even know her tonuge had came out from all the pleasure that Yato was giving her.

As Yato had stopped sucking on Mirajane breast as he had then looked up at her and saw that her tounge was still out and had decided to start making out with her once again while taking off his shirt.

Mirajane had then stood up and had then took off the shorts she had on now fully exposing her naked voloptus and curvy body to Yato and only him.

With Yato then standing up and takoff all his clothes exposing his tall lean slim muscular figure while also showing his cock fully out and hanging even though not fully erect still hung at eight inches. With this cock having veins and throbing and Mirajane had walked over and gotten onto her and smelt the familir musk from the cock of her, boyfreind.

As Yato had put his member of Mirajane's face which covered part of her face and made the white haired woman let out that of a smile of lust on her face.

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