Chapter 14: To The Island

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Yato with Mirajane and Niia we're all still on a boat heading towards an island which they would be arriving to their destination pretty soon.

With Yato, Mirajane, Niia all three being in a room together on the boat and the young girl was sleeping on the bed.

"Mirajane, is everything alright I can tell something is off" Yato said to Mirajane who was leaning on his chest.

"It's just....I really don't feel like I can do anything currently and feel just useless" Mirajane said to Yato.

"I understand, but you aren't what you say you are mirajane and we both know that....but I do need you to do me a favor when we get to the island" Yato said to Mirajane.

"What do you need me to do?" Mirajane asked wanting to know what her lover is talking about.

"I just have a bad feeling about since they are only expecting me if you can I want you to go through the kingdom and start collecting information. I know you can do this Mirajane you have the best transformation magic" Yato said which was very much true about Mirajane and also the job asked for him but not Mirajane.

"I think I get it, so when we arrive to the island just keep a low profile and gather some information" Mirajane said understanding what Yato is talking about.

"Yeah, I'll make sure to have all attention on me and we can find that of a place to meet up together at" Yato said to Mirajane who agreed.

With the plan being to have, Yato being that of a main distraction to allow Mirajane get more information on the area they are in as something doesn't really feel right about the things that are occurring now.

Which when usually, Yato feels something off about a job he is often right on that feeling that the job is either more than expected or something else.

"We should be arriving onto the island pretty soo, so get some shut eye" Yato said as Mirajane nodded her head and had proceeded to kiss his forehead as she had then leaned down against his chest.

Yato, had closed his eyes while still having his guard very much still up even while he is asleep his guard will always be up. Training his body to instantly be on alert once any sign of ill intent enters his vacuity he will instantly react.

So Yato, had gotten into a position that allowed Mirajane to be comfortable while sleeping on his chest.


The next morning, finally arrived with the boat finally arriving at land.

As Niia had began waking up she had noticed that both Mirajane and Yato were as talking to one another and quickly took notice to her being awake.

"Morning, kid glad to see you up now" Yato said to Niia who had began rubbing her eyes as she woke up.

"Did we arrive to the island?" Niia asked Yato and Mirajane who both nodded their heads.

"Alright, then Niia if you are ready can you take us to your Kingdom?" Yato asked Niia who had nodded her head as she had then gotten out of bed.

While, Yato had grabbed both his and Mirajane bags and the three had gotten off of the bed and had began waking through some grassy lands down a path.

While walking Yato and Mirajane had began talking to Niia about the kingdom that they were heading to.

"Can you explain more about the kingdom?" Yato asked Niia who decided to explain.

"Well, my mother told me how the kingdom was founded by the queen Rosa a great warrior who had untied four villages. Which she had d managed to down by taking down each of the leaders of the four villages single handed. After doing that she had went onto gather all of the villages into one but something hand one day her sword that she used to deafeat the leaders of the village was placed into a stone in the capital of the kingdom. My mother told me that one day a descendent of the former queen will return and truly take the throne" Niia said finishing her long story.

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