Chapter 24: The Human Dragon Vs Lighting

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(Yato POV)

After a while, I finally locked onto Laxus scent and it lead to the church where I could also smell Erza.

"Seems Erza went after Laxus when she was finished with Evergreen. Still the lighting palace is up and will go off, Erza is the best option to take it down all at once" I said to myself as I began leaping rooftop to rooftop.

It only took a few seconds but still, I quickly arrived at the front of the church and rushed in to see Erza being sent flying.

Which I had quickly caught Erza, this alone catching both the red haired woman and Laxus at my arrival.

"First, I got to say thanks Erza for beating Evergreen and free Mirajane but I should have told you, that I'd be the one to deal with Laxus. Still I can tell that you, haven't done any significant damage to him to it doesn't matter" I said as I put Erza down.

"Yato....let's work together, we can take him down" Erza said.

"No I can handle him all on my own, you should go and take care of the thunder palace with your equipment magic you'll be able to summon enough blades to take out most of the orbs. The other's will have to help you, if they don't then tell then after I'm done with Laxus I'll deal with them next" I said as Erza began thinking about it.

"Understood, don't lose you hear me!" Erza said as she had turned around, then quickly rushed out of the church to go and take care of the thunder palace just leaving the two by themselves.

"Laxus....." I said his name as I stepped forward.

"Yato....." Laxus said as he stepped forward as well.

"Laxus for the sake of the old man and respect for the old man, I suggest you stop right now. If you don't then things won't end well" I said as I still walked forward.

"Well you can take that suggestion of yours and shove it where the sun don't shine. Things aren't going to end like last time" Laxus said with a grin on his face.

"You say that as if the old man and Gildarts didn't save you, but this time is different often this time you brought others into so for I'm not only going to absolutely kick your ass" I said as both of us were now face to face.

With the two of us just letting off a great deal of magical energy, which the two of us just having a stand off.

Just waiting to look and see who makes the first move, that person being Laxus who went for a quick right hook. I easily dodged this right hook by doing a backflip, which at the same time I went for a kick with this backflip.

Laxus managed to block the kick, still he did go sliding a bit but he quickly then went for another punch. I managed to dodge with no effort, then I had went for a quick jab of my own to the face which he went to block but in reality I just threw a fake punch and then punched him in his stomach.

This had caused Laxus to just grin, as he had then grabbed me by my arm and had then held onto.

"Now I've got you, so take this!" Laxus yelled out.

As Laxus had made a ball of lightning in his palm and slammed it down onto me, which created a mini explosion of electricity through the church.

Laxus still having a grin on his face just chuckled, only to then have me grip onto his own arm and from the dust I had landed a clean jab to his face.

This shocked Laxus as once the dust settled, it showed the fact his lighting had zero to no effect on me as I had then leaped up and dropped kicked him dead in his chest.

Laxus had been sent sliding across the church, and still he's in a bit of shock.

"How are you not hurt from that attack?" Laxus asked which I then grinned.

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