Chapter 12: Twoo Many Bitches (ha, get it?)

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I awake early the next day to the sun's wrath. I roll out of bed, stand up, and take a shower. I clothe myself and walk downstairs. I checked my phone and saw it was 11:00. Marie should be here soon. This talk is going to be very awkward, but hopefully, it goes well. I enter the living room and see Pearl lying on the couch, watching something on the TV.

Y/N- "What'cha watchin'?"

Pearl- "It's part 2 of that human documentary. Did you know that they had video games?"

Y/N- "No, I didn't."

Pearl- "Well, they did."

Y/N- "Cool."

Pearl- "Yeah."

Y/N- "..."

Pearl- "..."

Y/N- "... soooo, I'm gonna... go..."

Pearl- "Bye."

That was awkward as hell. Not the talk I was thinking of, but still awkward. I walk into the kitchen and see Marina looking through the pantry.

Marina- "Hey Y/N, what food does your boss like?"

Y/N- "I honestly got no idea. I'll ask her."

I pull out my SHELL- phone. Ha, y'know, sea creatures? Anyways, I text Marie asking what her favorite food is. She replies "Pizza"

Y/N- "She said her favorite food is pizza."

Marina- "What kind?"

I text Marie again, and she says Hawaiian.

Y/N- "Hawaiian"

Marina- " hmmm... we don't have any pineapple, could you go get some?"

Y/N- "Sure."

I grab my wallet, put some shoes on, and head outside. I see Jim's car, already on.

Y/N- "Hey Jim!"

Jim- "Hello there Y/N!"

Y/N- "Can you take me to the store? I need some pineapple."

Jim- "Of Course! Hop in!"

I get in the car, and Jim drives towards the store.

Y/N- "You know Jim, I really appreciate you driving me around."

Jim- "Aw shucks, it's no problem. It is my job, after all!"

Y/N- "Still, I appreciate it."

Jim- "Thank you, Y/N. I enjoy driving you."

I really do like Jim. We arrive at the store and I hop out of the car. I walk inside the store and look for pineapple. I don't know if I should get canned, or a whole pineapple, so I get both. I take my stuff to the checkout and place it on the conveyor belt.

Clerk- "Good morning sir."

Y/N- "Morning."

Clerk- "Will this be all for you today?"

Y/N- "Yup."

Clerk- "Cash or credit?"


I dump a bunch of coins on the conveyor belt, take my pineapple, and leave the clerk confused. Those coins MIGHT be enough to pay, so I threw one more on the pile, then leave the store. I get back into Jim's car.

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