Mothers Day

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(In sakura's room)
(saskue peeks into sakura's room)
Naruto=is she still asleep.
Sasuke=uh huh.
Naruto=good now I need you to keep her distracted.
Sasuke=wad dat?
Naruto=it means to do something with her so she does not know what I am doing.
Naruto=you got your picture you drew for her.
Saskue=yeah sakuwa wike id.
(saskue went inside sakura's room and he climbed onto her bed and he than sat on her stomach)
Sakura=(if I don't move or say anything he will leave and naruto will take care of him)
Sasuke=sakuwa wakey upsie.
(sasuke then started to bounce on sakura's stomach)
Sasuke=sakuwa sakuwa sakuwa!
Sakura= I 'm up I 'm up.
Sakura=what is that you have in your hands?
Sasuke=id foe ou id mommy day.
Sakura=aww sasuke.
(sakura kisses sasuke on his forehead)
Sasuke=heh heh.
Sakura=alright it's time for me to make breakfast.
Sasuke=me haf somfing.
Sake=(read her a book)
Saskue=me wead.
Sakura=aww you want to read for me.
Sake=(wait you don't know how to read)
Sasuke=(me do id)
(sasuke climbs off the bed and heads to his room to grab the easiest book he could find)
(with naruto)
Naruto=now where is a good place to enjoy some me and hinata time.
Kurama=( I thought you were trying to do something with sakura)
Naruto= I will but I need to do something with hinata.
(with sasuke)
(sakura had picked up sasuke and she placed sasuke on the bed with her)
Sakura=what story do you have?
Sakura=the three little pigs okay.
(sasuke opened the book to the first page)
Sake=(start improvising)
Sasuke=(wad dat)
Sake=(start making up stuff)
Sasuke=uhh piggies mommy mak piggies mak dey house cuz dey big piggies.
Sakura=yeah and what else.
Saskue=an da pigges haf mak house da dummy piggy mak a chocwite house.
Sakura=a chocolate house?
Sasuke=yeah an a piggy mak a fry house.
Sakura=a house made out of french fries heh heh okay go on.
Sake=(good she seems to be enjoying your reading)
Sasuke=uhhh an an an.
Sake=(what's wrong)
Sasuke=(me don know wad dat)
Sake=(it's a brick)
Saskue=... Uhhhh.
Sakura=those look like jolly ranchers.
Sasuke=jolly wanchew.
Sakura=yeah jolly ranchers are really hard you remember them.
Sasuke=yeah yeah da piggy mak wancher house.
Sakura=heh heh sasuke don't forget the big bad wolf.
Sasuke=yeah da doggie umm da doggie hungwy an he wan ead da piggy candy house he go ad da chocowite house an doggy say.
(sasuke stood up on the bed he put his chest out the best he could and tried to make his voice deeper)
Sasuke=piggies wet me in.
(sakura decided to join in on the fun)
Sakura=not by the hair of my chinny chin chin.
Sasuke=den me.
(sasuke sucks up a lot of air)
Sasuke=an mak ou house go bye bye!
(sasuke blew out the air he had)
Sakura=oh no run!
(sakura slid out of the bed and she waited for sasuke to climbed off the bed and he began to chase her sakura went at a pace where saskue could keep up)
Sakura=can you catch up sasuke.
Sake=(hmmm hey I have an idea)
(in the living room)
(sasuke tripped and fell onto the floor)
Sakura=oh no sasuke.
(sakura kneeled down and was about to pick up sasuke till)
Sasuke=got ou!!
(sasuke pounced onto sakura)
Sakura=ha ha ha ha ha!!
(sakura lands on the couch)
Sakura=heh heh.
Sasuke=me ged ou sakuwa.
Sakura=no I got you.
(sakura began to tickle sasuke and the toddler started to laugh)
Sasuke=ha ha ha ha no moe!
(sakura stopped tickling sasuke and she lifted him in the air)
Sasuke=happy mommy day mommy.
Sakura=oh sasuke you're so sweet.
(sakura kisses sasuke on his cheek)
Sasuke=heh heh.
Sakura=hmm I 'm kinda hungry how about we go and get some pancakes.
Sasuke=yeah me wike dat.
Sakura=sounds like a plan let's go get dressed.
(once sakura got herself and sasuke dressed she placed sasuke in his carseat and she buckled him up and she got in the drivers seat)
(at the leaf diner)
Sakura=these look like good seats.
Sasuke=me wan pancake wif wot of sticky stuff.
Sakura=sound's good...Hey sasuke.
Sakura=where is naruto at?
(with naruto)
Hinata=are you okay naruto?
Naruto=yeah I 'm fine.
Hinata=so where are we going naruto?
Naruto=somewhere special you will see.
Hinata=how is it special?
Naruto=trust me it just.
(so after a good hour of walking naruto and hinata stopped at a tree near the academy)
Naruto=does this ring any bells.
Hinata=yes it does.
(a twelve year old naruto is standing at the tree by himself)
Hinata=...Uh naruto.
Naruto=uh hey ummm man what was your name.
Hinata=you don't remember.
(hinata started turning white)
Naruto=no no I remember umm hinata right!
Naruto=alright...Soo what are you doing over here?
Hinata=um..W well I I .
(hinata noticed naruto has a cut on his hand)
Hinata=oh no you're hurt.
Naruto=oh this is nothing.
Hinata=let me help you.
(hinata got her medical kit out of her bag and she pulled out iodine pads and a bandage roll)
Hinata=this will sting for a bit but it kills germs.
(hinata started applying the iodine)
Naruto=ow ow ow ow ow.
(after she applied the iodine hinata wrapped naruto's hand with the bandage she had)
Hinata=t there.
Naruto=thanks...It does not hurt as bad anymore.
Hinata=that's good.
(present time)
Hinata=that was such a long time ago.
Naruto=yes and this is special for one thing.
Hinata=what is it.
(naruto got on his knees and held a box with a diamond ring inside it)
Naruto=hinata hyugga will you marry me.
Hinata=oh my.....

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