Tsunade Babysits

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(the next day)
(naruto and sakura were getting ready for an mission they got assigned with kakashi but everybody is busy so who can babysit saskue their very own hokage of course)
(in the hokage tower),
Tsunade=why do  I  have to watch him?
Sakura=everybody is busy so you need to.
Sakura=here is his diaper bag he is sleeping right now so put him in the playpen  I  left here.
Tsunade=wow you really look like a mom.
Sakura=thanks alright thats everything here is his blanket and we will see you later.
(naruto gave tsunade saskue and they left)
Tsunade=alright lets get you in the playpen.
(tsunade placed saskue in the playpen and covered him with his blanket and she sat at her desk and continued her work)
Tsunade=have you really changed.
(knock knock)
Tsunade=uh oh.
(tsunade opened the door and it was team gai)
Tsunade=shh saskue is sleeping.
Ten ten=saskue is here.
Tsunade= I  am babysitting come in quietly.
Gai=yes ma'am
(team gai came in and sat on the four chairs in front of tsunade's desk)
Tsunade=so what is it?
Neji=mission report.
Tsunade=ah yes the delivery did the food and supplies get there safely.
Gai=yes they did.
Lee=we completed the mission with hot blooded success!!!
(that did it)
Tsunade=da** it!
(tsunade picked up saskue sat back into her chair and tried to calm the baby down she started to bounce him up and down as she looked for his pacifier she then found it and puts it in saskue's mouth)
Tsunade=anyway what else happened.
Neji=we did run into some trouble along the way there thevies and rouge ninja's after the goods we dispatched them and they are currently in jail.
Tsunade=good then....
(before tsunade could finish her sentence saskue started to tug on her green hokage robe)
Tsunade=yes saskue.
Saskue=mmm mmm.
Saskue=mmm mmm.
Tsunade=ummm what?
(saskue saw the diaper bag that was on tsunade's desk and pointed at it)
Tsunade=you want your diaper bag.
(saskue was starting to feel cold his wet diaper was starting to hurt his lower area so he did what babies naturally did cry)
Saskue=(sob sob)
Tsunade=whats wrong.
(tsunade got the idea and checked his diaper to see that he needed an diaper change)
Tsunade=oh..One of yall change his diaper.
(team gai was no where to be found)
(tsunade laid saskue on her desk and pulled off his shorts and changed his diaper after putting baby powder on him she put him in another diaper and puts his shorts back on him)
Tsunade=there good as new.
Saskue=heh heh.
Tsunade=so saskue the last time  I  saw you were sick are you all better?
Saskue=me nod sickies no moe gwanma.
Tsunade=thats good.
Saskue=gwanma pway wif me?
Tsunade=yeah  I 'll play with you.
Saskue=yay pway!!!
Tsunade=what are we playing.
Saskue=umm dinosaur!!
Tsunade=alright you got any.
(saskue dug through the back pack he had been carrying with him and got two t-rexs)
Saskue=me is dis dinosaur.
Tsunade=alright lets play.
(after a few minutes later after tsunade played with saskue)
Saskue=hungwy gwanma.
Tsunade=your hungry do you like pizza
Saskue=pisa me wuv gwanma!!
Tsunade= I  will call an pizza place.
(an anbu appeared)
Anbu=lady tsunade the kages are on the screen.
Tsunade=okay...Saskue  I  will be right back.
(tsunade then left the room)
Saskue=me wan pisa me ged pisa pwace.
(saskue climbed onto tsunade's chair and then her desk and sat on it and got the main phone and pressd in random numbers and the phone started ringing)
Saskue=pisa pwace.
Jeff=no this is jeff....Go to sleep.
Saskue=me nod sweppy!
(saskue hung up on the angry creepypasta and dialed more random numbers and the phone rang)
Ibuki=hello  I .T department this is ibuki.
Saskue=dis pisa pwace.
Saskue=me wan pisa.
Ibuki=is this a joke if  I  find out who this is  I  will throttle you.
Saskue=...No pisa?
Ibuki=no and  I ...
Saskue=bye bye.
(saskue hung up the phone leaving ibuki very angry)
(saskue dialed another number)
(ring ring)
Saskue=dis pisa pwace?
???=who is this?
Saskue=me saskue.
???=saskue thats you.
Saskue=who you?
Hinata=its me hinata.
Saskue=hi hina!
Hinata=hello saskue.
Saskue=hina ad pisa pwace?
Hinata=no you want some pizza.
Saskue=yeah gwanma say me ged pisa!
Hinata= I  will call then bye saskue.
Saskue=bye hina.
(tsunade came into the room)
Tsunade=alright now that is over lets get some pizza.
Saskue=pisa pisa pisa!!!
(tsunade dialed the number to order the pizza and when it came there was another pizza man with a box of pizza she shurg it off and payed both of them)
Saskue=pisa pisa!!!
Tsunade=calm down let me get you a plate.
(tsunade got two paper plates and she got herself two slices while she gave saskue one slice)
(and saskue started eating his one slice of pizza)
Tsunade=your getting yourself messy.
Saskue=heh heh.
Tsunade=(he really has changed)
Saskue=me ead id gwanma.
Tsunade= I  can see that.
(tsunade got some baby wipes to wipe saskue's face who in return the toddler squirm around and whine)
Tsunade=stop squirming around.
Saskue=no wike id.
Tsunade=besides getting clean what else you don't like?
Saskue=id icky.
Tsunade=what else.
Tsunade=being sick is the worst.
Saskue=an me don wike thingy sakuwa haf wif my haiw.
Tsunade=thing with your hair.
Saskue=me haf baff an wen me wan no moe baff sakuwa ged thingy an do dis.
(make brushing motions on his hair)
Tsunade=you mean a comb.
Saskue=yea id bowing an me wan pway an id huwt.
Tsunade=heh heh.
Saskue=nod funny id huwt.
Tsunade=sorry its just nothing tell me something else about you.
Saskue=umm me wike candy an ice cweam.
Tsunade=heh heh and.
Saskue=an pisa an mato.
Tsunade= I  know that.
Saskue= me wike sakuwa an nawootoe cuz dey my mommy an daddy.
Tsunade=really now.
Saskue=(nods) an you my gwanma me wuv you.
(tsunade got up and hugs saskue and she slowlys starts to tear up)
Saskue=grwanma no cwy don be(sniff)sad.
Tsunade=no  I 'm not sad.
(saskue looked up at tsunade and he thens wipes her tears the best he can)
Saskue=no cwy.
Tsunade=heh heh.
Saskue=heh heh.
(4 hours later)
(knock knock)
Tsunade=hey sakura.
Sakura=hey lady hokage was he any trouble.
Tsunade=no he was perfect.
Sakura=thats good where is he.
Tsunade= I  will get him.
(tsunade picked up the sleeping saskue first from the playpen and gave him to sakura.
Sakura=thanks again lady tsunade for babysitting him.
Tsunade=its no problem  I  enjoyed him...Bring him back again okay.
Sakura=alright  I  will well we need to get going.
Saskue=bye bye gwanma.
Tsunade=heh heh bye saskue.
Sakura=aww thats sweet.

Baby SasukeWhere stories live. Discover now