Doctor's Visit

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Sakura woke up to see Sasuke was still sleeping peacefully next to her.
[If I manage to do this quietly, I could get some coffee before he wakes up.]
Sakura thought to herself as she tried to think of ways to get out of bed without waking the baby next to her.
Sakura then had a idea, she put her feet on the wall and she slowly started walking up the wall, she stopped on the roof this is where Sakura stopped the chakra flow from her feet and she silently landed on the floor.
Sakura mentally cursed as she stood up and turned around to see Sasuke still asleep.
" cookie.."
The toddler was mumbling in his sleep.
Sakura smiled, the child was just too cute.
Sakura opened the door and she quietly closed it behind her.
Sakura made her way downstairs and she walked to the kitchen to find that there was a pot of coffee that has already been brewed.
Naruto walked into the kitchen.
"Hey Sakura."
Naruto greeted his teammate with a smile..
"Hey Naruto, did you make this coffee?"
Sakura asked.
"Yeah is it good, I never made coffee before so I figured I try."
Naruto said with his trademark smile.
After pouring herself a cup of coffee Sakura sat at the kitchen table with Naruto.
Naruto had decided to break the silence.
" the baby Sasuke's?"
Naruto asked his teammate.
"Of course it is...what are you trying saying Naruto.
Said the pink haired kunoichi as she formed her hands to fist.
"No no no I didn't mean anything by it I promise it's just...weird ya know."
Naruto said he stepped away from the table Sakura was sitting at.
Sakura sighed
"How did find out Naruto?"
Sakura asked the jinchuriki.
Naruto rubbed the back of his head.
"Hinata told me, when she had used her Byakugan she saw four chakra signitures."
Naruto said.
"Sakura are you gonna do that thing where people get rid of babies?"
Naruto asked.
"Wait what?"
Sakura looked at Naruto confused.
"Oh Naruto you mean a abortion, of course not."
Sakura said.
"Oh so what are you gonna do with Sasuke being a baby too?"
Naruto asked.
"Well if he doesn't turn back to normal I just won't tell him, Sasuke would just be a older brother."
Sakura said as she sighed.
"That's gonna be awkward."
Naruto said.
" Yes Naruto...yes it will be very awkward."
Sakura took another sip of her coffee.
"So what are we doing today?"
Naruto asked
"I am going to take Sasuke to Tsunade so she can find out anything."
Sakura finished off her cup of coffee and she set the now empty coffee mug on the counter top
"So what will you do with the baby?"
Naruto asked.
"I don't know if I could just freeze the baby that would be nice until Sasuke becomes normal again."
Sakura said.
"Yeah then your life won't be weird... except that you're married to diaper butt in there."
Naruto snickered at his joke.
Sakura slugged Naruto on his real arm.
"Ow that still hurts ya know!"
Naruto said rubbing the spot Sakura punched him on.
Naruto and Sakura looked towards the staircase to see Sasuke slowly climbing down the stairs.
Sakura walked towards the staircase and she scooped up the child.
"Hey Sasuke how long have you been awake."
Sakura asked the child as she playfully bounced him in her grasp.
"Me nod see ou an me wa hungwy so me go hewe."
Sasuke said rubbing his stomach.
Sakura giggled she could not get over how cute Sasuke is.
"Alright Sasuke how about we grab some breakfast on the way to the clinic."
"Wad dat Sakuwa?"
Sasuke asked.
"What the clinic?"
Sakura asked.
Sasuke nodded his head.
"It's place where sick people get better."
Sakura placed the child on the floor.
"Bud me nod Sickies Sakuwa."
Sasuke said.
"People also go there to get checked up too, just to make sure that they're not sick."
Sakura said as she started making her way upstairs.
"Hey Naruto I am gonna get ready can you change Sasuke's into one of his outfits...also change his diaper to."
Sakura went upstairs to the room she slept in to put on her outfit.
Sasuke tugged on Naruto's pajama pants.
"Yeah Sasuke."
The jinchuriki answered.
"Nee new daipy nawudo."
Naruto sighed.
"C'mon let's go."
Naruto picked up Sasuke and he carried the toddler upstairs.
While Naruto was with Sasuke the only woman in the house was trying to decide what to wear.
"Hmm it is a little chilly outside maybe a pair of capri pants and a long sleeve can work today.
Sakura grabbed her desired outfit and she left and she went to her bathroom to get dressed.
"Hey Sakura I need your help!!"
Naruto yelled out.
Sakura sighed.
Sakura quickly slipped on her outfit and she left the room to go to where Naruto and Sasuke were at.
Sakura walked inside the nursery to see Sasuke naked sitting on what was Naruto white T-shirt.
"I was gone for thirty seconds Naruto."
Sakura said as she pinched the bridge of her nose.
"Me pee Sakuwa."
Sasuke said.
"Yeah he peed everywhere so I just set him right here.
Sakura sighed.
"Naruto you're hopeless."
Sakura grabbed a diaper from the the pack of diapers near the changing table and she started to put the toddler into the diaper, once Sasuke had a diaper on he placed him on the floor.
"Now get him dressed, I am gonna get Lady Tsunade on the phone."
Sakura started walking back to her room.
"Okay Sasuke no more playing around let's get you dressed."
Naruto had turned around to grab Sasuke's outfit from off his bed but when he turned around he caught the toddler sneaking out the door.
"Hey don't do it."
Naruto said.
"Nawudo can't ged me!"
Sasuke teased the young adult and he bolted out the room.
Naruto sighed.
"I'm never having kids."
Naruto walked out the room to begin to look for the playful toddler.
Sasuke had gained a sudden rush of energy all he wanted to do was play now, he didn't get to play yesterday so he could play today.
"Sasuke get back here!"
Naruto was getting close
"Uh oh."
Sasuke quickly hid in the hallway closet and he peeked under the door.
"Where is he?
Naruto said as he looked around his current area.
Sasuke could not stop himself from snickering, Naruto really couldn't find him.
Naruto opened the closet door and he found the toddler happily giggling.
"Nawudo ged me!"
Sasuke exclaimed.
"Yeah yeah now time to get dressed."
Naruto carried Sasuke back to his room and he proceeded to help the child get dressed.
While Naruto was helping Sasuke, Sakura was still on the phone with Tsunade.
"So let me get this straight, you want me to freeze the child at it's current state so that your baby does not end up being born before Sasuke can turn back to normal."
Tsunade said over the phone.
"Yes I just want to avoid confusion."
Sakura said.
Tsunade sighed.
"Sakura we have never done anything like this before, if I were to try something like this you could die."
Said the sannin.
"Is there a safer method?"
Asked the kunoichi
"Well maybe there is a way, but still it's dangerous so we will tread lightly on this procedure."
Tsunade said.
Sakura took a sigh of relief at least there is a chance we of a safer method.
"But enough about the baby what about Sasuke."
Tsunade asked her former student.
"Well I am going to bring him today just so I give him some routine injections like any other child and I also would like to see if we are able to reverse the jutsu that turned him into a child."
Sakura said.
(Knock Knock)
"Hey Sakura I got Sasuke dressed you ready?"
Naruto asked from the other side of the door.
"Yeah I'm ready, see you in a few minutes Lady Tsunade."
Sakura said as she ended her call with the former Hokage.
Sakura opened her door to be greeted by Naruto and a pouting Sasuke.
"Are you okay Sasuke?"
Sakura asked the child noticing that he was pouting.
"Me wan pway moe."
Sasuke said.
"You can play later but we have to leave now okay."
Sakura said as she rubbed the child's head.
"Me had toy Sakuwa?"
Sasuke asked.
"You can bring two toys."
Sakura said.
"Bud me wan all toys"
Sasuke whined.
"Sasuke you cannot bring all of your toys if you do that your toybox would be lonely and you don't want your toybox to be lonely would you."
Sakura said as she hoped Sasuke would be gullible to believe her words.
"Don't wan Id be sad nod wan all toys."
Sasuke said.
"Good now let's go pick out two toys and we can leave to go get breakfast."
Sakura said as she walked with Sasuke back to his nursery.
"She's handled that just like a mom would."
After ten more the group of three all left the house and they made their way to the busy streets of the leaf village.
"Sakuwa Sakuwa."
The kunoichi looked down to the child calling her name.
"Yes Sasuke."
Sasuke raised his arms up indicating he wanted to be picked up.
"Use your words Sasuke."
Sakura said.
"Wan uppies Sakuwa."
Sasuke said.
"Can you say please."
Sakura said to the child.
"Pwease uppies Sakuwa."
The child repeated the word that was somewhat foreign to him.
Sakura placed the child upon her shoulders and she continued to walk alongside Naruto.
Naruto noticed Sakura was a little winded when she was carrying the child upon her shoulders is this what happens to people who become pregnant they get tired a lot more from doing simple things, the whole idea pregnancy was foreign to Naruto he had seen pregnant people but this is the first time someone this close to him was pregnant.
"Hey Sakura you want me to hold Sasuke for you."
Naruto asked his friend.
"I'm good Naruto."
Sakura said.
After a few minutes Sakura was getting more and more winded.
"Hey you know what Naruto, I will take you up on your earlier offer."
Sakura said.
Naruto grabbed Sasuke and he placed the child on his shoulders.
"Nawudo is Sakuwa sickies?"
Sasuke asked
"I'm fine Sasuke just a little tired."
Sakura said.
Naruto made eye contact with Sakura making sure was she really okay, Sakura nodded reassuring Naruto she was fine.
After ten minutes of walking the group made it to the leaf village hospital with Tsunade waiting outside in the front of the building.
Sakura ran up to Tsunade and she bowed but then Sakura noticed she was being lifited slightly of the ground she realized that the older woman was hugging her.
"So I'm a grandma now."
Tsunade said happily.
"Why are you surprised I already told you I was pregnant."
Sakura said somewhat confused.
"Yeah I know but I did not process until after we finished talk on the phone."
Tsunade placed Sakura back down.
"Hey Grandma."
Naruto walked up to Tsunade earning him a softer slug on his shoulder.
"Hey knuckle head you're not getting having a child too aren't ya."
Tsunade said.
"Nah no kids... except for Sasuke."
Naruto placed Sasuke on the ground in front of Tsunade.
The elder woman kneeled down to the child's height Sasuke hid behind Naruto legs.
"I would have never pegged Sasuke as a shy child."
Tsunade said as she dug in her lab coat pocket only to pull out a bright red lollipop.
The candy instantly caught Sasuke's attention he had not ate yet and he really likes candy, so the the toddler stepped away from his previous hiding spot and he stood in front of the elder woman while bowing down his head finding it hard to make eye contact with a new person.
"Come on Sasuke you like candy don't you here take it."
Tsunade said holding the candy in front of the toddler.
Sasuke accepted the candy and had removed the wrapper and he began to eat the sweet treat.
"Well Sasuke what do you say."
Sakura said to the toddler.
The toddler started blushing he didn't really like being the main center of attention right now it felt weird to him, so the toddler hid behind Naruto again.
Sakura sighed as she picked up the blushing child who in return hid his face in Sakura's chest.
"Sorry Lady Tsunade I didn't think he was this shy."
Tsunade was to enamored by Sasuke's actions she thought it was the cutest thing she saw in awhile.
"Awww he's kinda adorable.. well let's go inside so we can take care of everything."
Tsunade motioned for the group of three to follow her.
"So did you hear anything new from the forensic team"
Sakura asked.
"Nothing no one can figure out why this happened to him."
Tsunade said.
"There is really nothing to go on?"
Sakura asked.
"Yeah there's not even any chakra residue, so it may be awhile that Sasuke may be like this."
Tsunade said.
"Oh I see."
Sakura merely sighed.
Tsunade stopped at a room and she opened the door allowing for both Naruto and Sakura to enter the room once every one was in Tsunade closed the door behind her.
"Okay let's get started first could you strip the child down to his diaper it'll make things easier."
Tsunade said while she was grabbing all of the necessary tools for the examination she was about to perform.
Sakura helped Sasuke out of his clothes and she placed the child on the examination table.
"Wad me do Sakuwa."
Sasuke asked.
"She just gonna see if you're sick or not.
Sakura said rubbing the child's back sensing that he is a little tense.
Sasuke relaxed at Sakura's touch the child decided to trust Tsunade, if Sakura trust her then he does to.
Tsunade gently lays the toddler on his back and she grabbed her stethoscope and she placed it on the child's chest listening to his heartbeat.
"Wad ou do?"
Sasuke asked.
"Listening to your heartbeat."
Tsunade said as she started writing on something on her notebook.
"Me wan do dat too, Sakuwa me do day too."
Sasuke asked the soon mother to be.
"Ask your Grandma and she may let you use it."
"Ou my gwanma"?
Sasuke asked Tsunade
"Sure why not."
"Me haf gwanma!"
Sasuke exclaimed happily.
Tsunade did have to admit even though Sasuke Uchiha to a certain degree he is a cute baby.
"Gwanma me do day to?"
Sasuke asked his new grandmother.
Tsunade took off her stethoscope and she placed the earphones in Sasuke's ear letting the child listen to his own heartbeat.
"Wad dat?"
Sasuke asked Tsunade.
"That's your heartbeat it means you're alive and healthy."
Tsunade gently pushed the child on his back again and she started pressing on his belly earning laughter from the child.
"Ha ha ha ha ha!!"
Sasuke started squirming around.
"Try to stay still Sasuke."
Sakura said to the child.
After putting pressure on Sasuke's stomach Tsunade wrote down her findings on her notepad.
"Alright Sakura do you think Sasuke can hold a thermometer in his mouth or do we have to go with the other option."
Tsunade said.
"I'm out."
Naruto quickly left the room.
Sakura pinched the bridge of her nose.
"Still the same after all this time and to answer your question I don't know let's try."
Tsunade took the regular thermometer and held it in front Sasuke.
"Can you hold this under your tounge."
She said.
Sasuke looked at Tsunade dumbfounded.
"Like this open your mouth."
When the toddler opened his mouth Tsunade placed the thermometer under Sasuke's tounge.
Sasuke didn't like this, the weird object felt uncomfortable under his tounge so the toddler spit the thermometer out.
"No wike id!"
Said the toddler as he began to pout.
"Alright that answers my question Sakura could you...prep him."
Said the sannin.
Sakura nodded as she laid Sasuke on the examination table and she began to remove his diaper.
"Me ged baff Sakuwa?"
Asked the nude toddler.
"Not quite I just need you to just relax for a little bit."
Sakura laid the toddler across her knee and she pulled out her phone and played a cartoon for the child which immediately caught Sasuke's attention.
"He's distracted."
Sakura said.
Tsunade nodded and she had grabbed a new thermometer and a plastic covering which she coated in a non-toxic lubricant.
"Here we go."
Said the elder woman as she inched closer to the child.
Sasuke was blissfully unaware of what was going on he was to engrossed in his cartoon to notice what the old woman was doing, but then he felt something weird with his bottom it didn't hurt but he didn't like it before the child could say anything Sakura quickly placed a pacifier in Sasuke's mouth and all of a sudden Sasuke's did not feel the weird sensation anymore so he went back to watching his cartoon.
Sakura was trying her best to make sure Sasuke was not moving if the child did move they would have to repeat what the process all over again.
(Beep Beep.)
Tsunade heared the beeping noise indicating the thermometer had a recorded temperature, it.shown that Sasuke had a normal temperature.
"Okay he's a happy healthy baby."
Tsunade disposed of the thermometer and she wrote some more on her notepad.
"Alright Sasuke you're all done."
Tsunade said with a smile.
Sakura began to put Sasuke's diaper back on.
"See that wasn't too hard was it."
Said the kunoichi.
"No..bud don wike dat thing."
Sasuke pointed to trash can.
"The trash?"
Sakura said the the child.
Tsunade snickered.
"I think he means the thermometer."
"Ah...yeah I would hate it too."
Sakura said.
Once Sakura had fully clothed the the toddler she picked up the toddler.
(Knock Knock)
"Is it over?"
Naruto asked from the other side of the door.
Sakura pinched the bridge of her nose.
"Yes it's over Naruto."
The blond haired ninja entered the room.
"So how it go?"
Naruto asked.
"It went well I don't understand why you bolted."
Sakura said as she handed the child to Naruto.
"Take Sasuke into the waiting room I need to talk Lady Tsunade for a little bit."
Was all Naruto said as he began to leave the room.
"Hey wait."
Tsunade called out to Naruto.
"What's up grandma?"
Naruto asked the elder woman.
"I almost forgot to give you this Sasuke."
Tsunade handed a small lollipop to the toddler who happily took the candy.
"What do you say Sasuke."
Sakura said to the gleaming toddler.
"Ank ou gwanma!"
The toddler said as he tried to get the wrapper off his treat.
Naruto unwrapped Sasuke's lollipop and he handed it to the child.
Sasuke started sucking on the lollipop .
"We'll be in the waiting room, don't take too long Sakura."
Naruto said as he left the room.
Tsunade sighed breaking the silence.
"So are you sure you want to do this?"
Tsunade asked the kunoichi.
Sakura bluntly replied.
"The best I can do is place a seal on your womb I don't know how long it will last."
Tsunade said.
"Any amount of time is good... hopefully Sasuke can turn to normal I am ready.
Sakura said.
"Alright hop on the table."
Tsunade said as she made the preparations for the sealing jutsu.

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