Saskue's New friends

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(in the mansion)
(in the living room)
(it was summer it was hot kids were out of the academy everybody was having fun except one little uchiha who was standing in his room on a chair he dragged in bored looking out the window)
(sakura was passing by when she saw saskue the way he is)
Sakura=hey saskue whats wrong?
Saskue=asuma an yuki go bye bye an dey wif dey mommies an dey pway somfing fun an nawootoe go bye bye cuz he haf ninja thingies.
Sakura=hmm you know what saskue  I  got an great idea you can have fun and get some new friend's how about we go to a water park.
Saskue=wat dat?
Sakura=you will see.
(sakura picked up saskue and took off his clothes and she put him in a swimming diaper and red swim trunks with uchiha symbols on them and sakura dressed herself in a bikini top and pink hawaiian flower design shorts and she got a pink
Swim skirt and puts it on)
Sakura=alright saskue let me put your diaper bag together then we can leave.
Sakura=you can bring boaty if you want to.
(after sakura got saskue's diaper bag together she puts a t shirt on him and left)
(at the leaf grand water park)
Sakura=yeah this place is big.
(the leaf grand water park is a water park with nearly 200 different water slides with watercraft racing tubing a water cabin a surfing wave and a kiddie area there also more places but its to many to say)
(after sakura and saskue got water proof wrist band for the seasons pass sakura took saskue to the kiddie area)
(at the kiddie pool)
Saskue=sakuwa pway wif me!
Sakura=hold on saskue  I  need to rub sun screen on you.
Saskue=bud me wan pway.
Sakura=you will after you get some sun screen.
(after sakura rub sunscreen on saskue the toddler got sakura's hand and they got inside the pool)
Saskue=ha ha ha ha!!
(sakura was looking for some kids that were saskue's age and soon she spotted several kids a white haired toddler two blond toddlers they seem like twins but different one brown hair toddler who seems to have a scarf around almost as if he is a ninja and a black haired toddler with a water proof band aid on his knee and elbow)
Saskue=sakuwa wat ou tinkin bout?
Sakura=hmm saskue do you want to play with those kids over there?
Saskue=(shakes head)wan pway wif sakuwa.
Sakura=saskue it will be fun for you to play with other kids your age.
Saskue=(whimper)b bud.
Sakura=saskue don't cry  I  will still be here if you need me.
(sakura went by the group of moms to mostly talk to them)
Sakura=umm excuse me.
Mom#1=yes oh you are one of the new sanin.
Mom#2=oh my.
Mom#4=she even more prettier in person.
Sakura=oh please that was years ago  I  am just another ninja.
Mom#1=well if you don't mind me asking what are you doing here in the kiddie area?
Sakura=well  I  am here with my son.
Mom#1=oh yeah saskue is a toddler again facebook replaces e news by a minute.
Sakura=yeah our hokage is you know just crazy.
Marie=let us introduce ourselves  I  am marie.
Molly= I  am molly.
Jane= I 'm jane.
Maria=and  I  am maria.
(marie was a women with fair skin with red rim glasses and brown hair)
Sakura= I  think  I  recognise you four you are from that show the mom's circle.
Maria=yes we are.
Sakura= I  love you're show you four gave me so much advice.
Marie=y you watch our show.
Sakura=yeah being a mom is hard work for me but  I  do love it.
Marie=well there is more.
(so the women talked about their children all embarrassing and sweet moments while that was happening the kids were talking amongst themselves)
(while the toddlers were playing and talking
The white haired toddler who was named gabriel decided to see saskue)
Gabriel=wat your mame me gabriel.
Saskue=s sake.
Gabriel=sake hmm dat a cool mame.
Gabriel=you wanna pway wif us.
(saskue looked back to sakura who smiled and waved at him)  
(so both gabriel and saskue swam over to the other floating toddler the were in child inner tubes)
Gabriel=hey look.
Oscar=who he.
(the brown haired toddler is oscar the black haired toddler is zack the blond twin on with the some what curly hair is mike and the other is ike the repetitive naming is a bit dumb  I  know but whatever  I  ran low on ideas)
Zack=hi wat you'we mame.
Gabriel=dat zack he ged owies awot.
Zack=heh heh.
Gabriel=dats oscar he likes bein ninja.
Gabriel=an dat mike an ike.
Ike=hi sake.
Saskue=uhh hi.
Gabriel=we was pwaying hide an seek wanna pway?
Gabriel=you id sake now you hafta count to twee.
Saskue=me dunno to count.
Gabriel=umm say twee when  I  say weady.
Gabriel=close you'we eye's.
Saskue=otay..Umm twee.
(saskue saw a snorkal tube poeking out of the water so he swam over there and touched a kids head and it was oscar)
Saskue=ged ou!!
(all of a sudden saskue vision started turning a tint of red and he saw the four other toddlers so he got them)
Ike=he ged all of us.
Zack=how ou do dat sake?
Sakura=saskue come here.
Saskue=otay sakuwa.
(saskue swam to the edge of the kiddie pool and sakura picked him up)
Sakura= I  thought so alright saskue you need to take your medicine.
Saskue=b bud sakuwa me don wike id.
Sakura=saskue you know you have to take when you turn your eyes red.
(sakura dug into saskue's diaper bag and she got his eye drops and she put's a drop on each of saskue's eye's)
Saskue=(sob sob)
Sakura=shh its okay no crying.
(sakura started cradling and comforting saskue)
Marie=why does he need eye drops for?
Sakura=well he sometimes turns his sharigan on and he cannot turn it off by himself so the hokage made these special eye drops for him that has chakra jammers in it.
Maria=so he can still use his abilities.
Sakura=not really but his powers do come randomly.
Saskue=(sniff sniff)
(stomach growls)
Sakura=somebody is hungry.
Saskue=me hungwy sakuwa.
Marie=well it is lunch time lets go to the cafe
(in the water park cafe)
(the kids got chicken fingers and fries sakura got a jumbo size burger and fries and the other women got a deep dish pizza when sakura started eating her food the other women thought how could she eat something so fattening and still look that thin)
Jane=think she can eat it all.
(after a span of ten minutes sakura ate her burger and fries)
Sakura=that was satisfying.
Marie=she ate it.
Maria=wow but what gets me is.
Jane=how she eat it so properly.
Sakura=oh  I  am so sorry.
Marie=no no we are just surprised nobody can eat
That burger it's a challange.
Sakura=oh wow umm.
Sakura=huh oh yeah saskue.
Saskue=me haf icky daipy.
Sakura=lets get you changed then.
(sakura took no time to grab saskue and take him to the family bathroom)
(in the family bathroom)
Sakura=oh my gosh  I  cannot believe  I  did that oh no no  I  embarrassed myself oh my god  I  embarrassed saskue oh no oh no.
Saskue=sakuwa daipy icky!
Sakura=oh sorry let me change you saskue.
(with the mom's)
Marie=oh we might of intimidated her poor girl she is probably freaking out in there.
Maria=oh hope she is okay.
Jane=should we go check on her.
(sakura came out the bathroom)
Sakura=that burger was delicious and  I  would get another one but its to fattening.
Maria=there is nothing wrong with eating some junk food that burger did look good though.
Sakura=oh well..Who is up for desert?
Jane=you read my mind.
Molly=alright lets get some sweets.
(two 16 year old teenagers and 11 year old and a 18 year old entered the cafe)
Marie=hey jason its about time you came.
Jason=sorry mom  I  was with these two girls  I  should say one was a 8 and the other was a 10.
(marie hits jason across his head).
Jason=ow what you do that for.
Marie=stop rating girls  I  swear you act like your father when he was young.
Jane=david what were you doing though.
David=well  I  was in the arcade being responsible and...Okay  I  was flirting.
Thomas=uhh no comment.
Marie=and darren  I  called you an hour ago to take oscar to the snow cone stand.
Darren= I  was in the arcade and umm.
(jason like his mother and two brothers he had brown hair brown eyes he has tan skin and he had a muscle shirt swim trunks with a sunset on it and david has white tannish skin and he has a blond mohawk and what appears to be black claw marks on his body and the eleven year old has white skin and brown hair and dark brown eyes)
Sakura=why does he have all those marks on him?
Jane=oh no its his powers the abilities of a lion but he hates violence.
Sakura=wow there is so many powers out there.
David=hey there beautiful whats your name.
Sakura=21years old with a child.
David=swerve not that old and  I  hate diapers.
Sakura=heh heh.
David=hey little guy whats up did you enjoy yourself.
David=who is that kid?
Gabriel=dat sake.
David=like the drink how do you spell your name.
Saskue=umm me know.
(saskue stood up in his high chair and lowered his shorts a little to show his name on the front of his diaper)
David=oh its saskue not sake.
Gabriel=sake dis my big brwudda.
David= I 'm david nice to meet you saskue.
Gabriel=sake shy.
David=well hey don't be shy look let me show you something.
(david made a whole bunch of silly faces)
Saskue=ha ha ha ha ha.
David=alright then got him laughing good start.
Jane=david has always been good with kids  I  remember last year when  I  told him he was going to be a big brother he got so excited he actually made gabriel's nursery.
Sakura=wait he did!
Jane=yeah from the crib building to the room painting even carpentry.
Sakura=wow he must love his brother.
Jane=its makes me happy to know they are getting along greatly.
Sakura=thats good.
(sakura looked at saskue to only see him a bit hurt)
(after lunch the women went to discuss ideas and topics for they're show
(saskue was sad).

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